Peer Review Documents, 1971-2011

The University of California Librarian Series has undergone many changes since my employment as a Librarian I on September 1, 1969. In 1969, there were just three ranks and no steps: Librarian I, II and III. Since that time, ranks have been renamed (Assistant, Associate and Librarian), steps have been added to each rank, the pay scale has been altered, and the designation of Distinguished Librarian has also been added. Terminology has changed too--e.g., "Self-Evaluations" are now "Statements of Professional Achievement" (SOPA).

See subpages for downloadable copies of documents: Criteria 1 Responsibilities, Data Summaries, Publications (Selected), Review Initiator + AUL Evaluations + Ad Hoc Committee Comments, Statements of Professional Achievements (SOPAs), and Statements of Responsibilities (SORs).