LOEX of the West 2012
LOEX of the West Conference, June 6-8, 2012, Burbank, California.
Their MInds! The Politics of Information Literacy" - Esther Grassian's Keynote, 7 June 2012
Day 89 - Occupy my mind, by Chris Barber, March 22, 2012
CC: Attribution
- Watch the keynote on YouTube.
- Download the Complete PowerPoint slide show, including keynote text in Notes section of each slide (PowerPoint "Normal View"). Please note that all images utilized in this slide show are CC licensed, with the complete citation and license provided for each image.
- Slides only, without keynote text - .ppt & .pptx versions attached below.
- Keynote text with slide numbers - pdf attached below.
- Keynote text without slide numbers - pdf attached below.
What you can do to occupy minds about the value of Information Literacy!
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Popular & Scholarly Examples & Data
Use these to support your actions.
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Keynote Bibliography
Informal Survey - Librarians and Instruction: Complete Results (Spring 2012) - pdf attached below
- Survey Results: Question 8 - ideas for checking for IL skills among prospective employees - .docx attached below
ACRL IS Library School Outreach Task Force Report (2007/2008)
ACRL IS Strategic Options for Professional Education: Final Report (1993)
Sample BI [Bibliographic Instruction] Course Syllabus 1993 - pdf (25.4 MB; 47 pages) attached below
- Update: This document was developed by a subcommittee of the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section's Education for BI Committee in 1993 to aid library schools in developing and offering courses to MLS/MLIS students to help them learn how to develop instructional programs and how to teach. The subcommittee members were Shirley Cody, Esther Grassian and Trudi Jacobson.The document includes the cover page, introduction, sample course outline, bibliography, course goals and objectives, brief and detailed sample assignments, a list of courses offered in ALA-accredited library schools in the U.S. and Canada in 1993, and a list of instructors.
Sample Certificate of Completion for IL Workshop for TAs, created from Word template - pdf attached below
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