2024 AIEA-NBER Annual Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship


14-16 August 2024

HC Coombs Centre, Kirribilli

Industry Day (by invitation and registration only)

14 August 2024


12:00 - 12:30   Registration

12:30 - 1:30  Lunch

  1:30 - 3:30     Forum: The impact of industrial policy on entrepreneurship and innovation


Moderator: Kevin Fox (CAER Director, UNSW Sydney)

Welcome address: Stephen Rodda (Pro Vice-Chancellor Industry and Innovation, UNSW Sydney)


Round table forum speakers

1) NBER Fellows: Josh Lerner (Harvard), Scott Stern (MIT)

2) RBA: John Simon, Head of the Economic Research Department

3) IP Australia:  Michael Falk, Chief Economist

4) Productivity Commission: Catherine de Fontenay, Commissioner

5) E61: Michael Brennan, CEO and Former-Head of Productivity Commission

6) Atlassian: David Master, Head of Global Public Policy

7) UNSW Sydney: Stephen Rodda (PVC Industry and Innovation), Richard Holden (Professor of Economics)


  3:45 - 4:45     Networking Drinks


  6:00 – 8:00   Dinner for speakers and conference presenters and discussants

Academic Conference

15 August 2024


  9:00 - 9:10     Opening and welcome


  9:10 - 10:00  The Wandering Scholars: Understanding the Heterogeneity of University Commercialization

          Josh Lerner (Harvard Business School), Henry Manley, Carolyn Stein, Heidi Williams 

        Discussant: Po-Hsuan Hsu (NTHU)

10:00 - 10:50  Product Liability Litigation and Innovation:  Evidence from Medical Devices

 Hong Luo (U of Toronto), Alberto Galasso

 Discussant: Kwanghui Lim (University of Melbourne)


10:50 - 11:20   Break (Tea and coffee)


11:20 - 12:10   Firm Growth through Product Offerings

 Elvira Sojli (UNSW Sydney), Leo Liu, Wing Wah Tham

 Discussant: Scott Stern (MIT)


12:10 - 1:20    Lunch

   1:20 - 2:10   Is Simpler Still Better?  The Valuation of Design Features

 Kevin Tseng (CU Hong Kong), Po-Hsuan Hsu, Tian Chan

          Discussant: Michael Falk (IP Australia)


  2:10 - 3:00    Junior Scholar Presentations (3 papers of ~15 minutes each)


Learning from the Band of Brothers: Evidence from Entrepreneurial Spillover

Chih-Ching Hung (National Taiwan University), with Kevin Tseng, Yen-Cheng Chang and Chun-Che Chi


The Effects of Anti-corruption on Firm Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Anti-corruption Campaign

Haizhen Jin (National University Singapore), with WonJoon Kim and Ke Feng


Adoption of Emerging Digital General-purpose Technologies: Determinants and Effects

Jonathan Hambur (RBA), with Kim Nguyen


16 August 2024


9:00 - 9:50     Leveraging Technology Expertise in Venture Capital Screening:  Evidence from Start-up Competitions

Suting Hong (ShanghaiTech University), Su Wang and Xiang Yin

Discussant: Jeff Furman (Boston University)


9:50 - 10:40   Accelerating Innovation Ecosystems: The Promise and Challenges of Regional Innovation Engines

    Scott Stern (MIT), Jorge Guzman, Fiona Murray and Heidi Williams 

            Discussant: Catherine de Fontenay (Productivity Commission)


10:40 - 11:10  Break (Tea and coffee)


11:10 - 12:00  Digital Platforms and the Real Economy:  Entrepreneurship, Development, and Industry Clustering

Xiaohan Yang (Chinese University HK), Lin William Cong, Bo Liu and Xiaobo Zhang

Discussant: Richard Holden (UNSW Sydney)


12:00 - 1:10   Lunch


  1:10 - 2:00   Time to Innovate

Sunwoo Hwang (Korea U), with Sooji Kim

Discussant: Russell Thompson (Swinburne University of Technology)


2:00 - 2:50     The Innovation Wage Premium and Labour Dynamics in Australia

Michael Falk (IP Australia), with Brodie Dobson-Keeffe 

Discussant: Beth Webster (University of Melbourne)


2:50 - 3:00     Conclusion


6:00 - 8:00     Conference Dinner at HC Coombs Centre