What's New?

We are organising the 17th Central Bank Market Microstructure Conference this year in Sydney. More information and details here.

In other news:

  1. Wing Wah Tham, Kevin Fox and I won a Discovery Grant from the Australian Research Council

  2. Advanced Manufacturing and Process Innovation, Productivity, and Growth - To be presented at AEA 2023

  3. Advanced Manufacturing and Process Innovation, Productivity, and Growth - To be presented at ABFER 2022

  4. Some cool thoughts on 2021

  5. Time-varying Group Unobserved Heterogeneity in Finance - To be presented at FIRS and EFA 2020

  6. Chairing coolest EFA session 2019: Market Design and Liquidity

  7. Awarded Fondation Dauphine Women and Science Research Grant - July 2019

  8. Market-wide Events and Fixed Effects - To be presented at NBER SI EFFE 2019

  9. Central Bank Issued Digital Cash covered by Business Think: When will central banks switch to digital money?

  10. Quoting Activity and the Cost of Capital - To be presented at EFA and FMA 2018

  11. Commuting Time and Labor Supply - To be presented at AEA 2018 Meeting

  12. Measuring Innovation around the World - To be presented at EFA 2017 Meeting

  13. Quotes, Trades and the Cost of Capital - To be presented at CEPR-Imperial-Plato Inaugural Market Innovator (MI3) Conference on the Evolving Market Structure in Europe and Beyond

  14. The Panama Papers and Bank Duplicity - To be presented at AEA 2017 Meeting

  15. (Mis)Measuring Innovation around the World - To be presented at Ninth Annual Searle Conference on Innovation Economics @ Northwestern University

  16. (Mis)Measuring Innovation around the World -To be presented at ABFER Meeting

  17. (Mis)Measuring Innovation around the World -To be presented at AIB Annual Meeting

  18. Trading on Algos - To be presented at Inquire Europe