Papers 2018 -


YU, L., WU, K., LIU, L., LIU, N., MING, X., OELKERS, E.H. (2020) Dawsonite and ankerite formation in the LDX-1 structure, Yinggehai basin, South China sea: An for carbon mineralization in subsurface sandstone aquifers. Applied Geochemistry 120, 104663.

CLARK, D.E., OELKERS, E.H., GUNNARSSON, I., SIGFUSSON, B., SNAEBJORNSDOTTOR, S.O., ARADÓTTIR, E. S., GÍSLASON, S. R. (2020) CarbFix2: CO2and H2S mineralizaion during 3.5 years of continuous injection into basaltic rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 279, 45-66.

STAMM, F. M, MÉHEUT, M., ZAMBARDI, T., CHMELEFF, J., SCHOTT, J., OELKERS, E.H. (2020) Extreme silicon isotope fractionation due to Si organic complexation: Implications for silica biomineralization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 541, 116287.

ANDERSEN, P.Ø., BRATTEKÅS, B., ZHOU. Y., NADEAU, P., NERMOEN, A., YU, Z., FJELDE, I., OELKERS, E.H. (2020) Carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) in tight gas and oil reservoirs Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 81 103458.

ALVEREZ, C.C., QUITTE, G., SCHOTT, J., OELKERS, E.H. (2020) Experimental determination of Ni isotope fractionation during Ni adsorption from an aqueous solution onto calcite surfaces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 273, 26-36.

VOIGT, M., PEARCE, C.R., FRIES, D.M., BALDERMANN, A., OELKERS E.H. (2020) Magnesium isotope fractionation during hydrothermal seawater-basalt interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 272, 21-35.

MULDERS, J. J. P. A., OELKERS, E.H. (2020) An experimental study of sepiolite dissolution rates and mechanisms at 25o C Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 270, 296-312.

SNAEBJORNSDOTTOR, S.O., SIGFUSSON, B., MARIENI, C., GOLDBERG, D., GISLASON, S.R., OELKERS, E.H. (2020) Carbon dioxide storage through mineral carbonation. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 1-13.


YU, L., DANIELS, L.M., MULDERS, J.J.P.A., SALDI, G.D., HARRISON, A.L., LIU, L., OELKERS E.H. (2019) An experimental study of gypsim dissolution coupled to CaCO3precipitation and its application to carbon storage. Chemical Geology, 525, 447-461.

POGGE VON STRANDMANN, P.A.E., FRASER, W.T.M, HAMMOND, S.J., TARBUCK, G., WOOD, I.G., OELKERS E.H., MURPHY, M.J. (2019) Experimental determination of Li isotope behavior during weathering. Chemical Geology, 517, 34-43.

MAHZARI, P., JONES, A.P., OELKERS, E.H. (2019) An integrated evaluation of enhanced oil recovery and geochemical processes for carbonate water injection in carbonate rocks. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 106188.

*GRIMM, C., MARTINEZ, R.E.M POKROVSKY, O.S., BENNING, L.G., OELKERS, E.H.(2019) Enhancement of cyanobnacteria growth by riverine particulate material. Chemical Geology, 525, 143-167.

*STAMM, F.M., ZAMBARDI, T., CHMELEFF, J., SCHOTT, J., VON BLANKENBURG, F., OELKERS, E.H. (2019) The experimental determination of equilibrium Si isotope fractionation factors among H4SiO40, H3SiO4- and amorphous silica (SiO2.0.32 H2O) at 25 and 75o C using the three isotope method. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 255, 49-68.

SVERDRUP, H.U. OELKERS E.H., ERLANDSSON LAMPA, M., BELYAZID, S., KURZ, D., ALKSELSSON. C. (2019) Reviews and synthesis: Weathering of silicate minerals is soils and watersheds: Parameterization of weathering kinetics module in the PROFILE and ForSAFE models. Biogeosciences Discussions 1-58.

POGGE VON STRANDMANN, P.A.E., BURTON, K.W., SNÆBJÖRNSDÓTTIR, S.O., SIGFUSSON, B., ARADOTTIR, E.S., GUNNARSSON, I., ALFREDSSON, H.A., MESFIN, K., OELKERS, E. H., GISLASON, S.R. (2019) Rapid CO2 mineralisation into calcite at the CarbFix site quantified using calcium isotopes. Nature Communications, 10 (1), 1983.

OELKERS, E.H., POGGE VON STRANDMANN, P.A.E., MAVROMATIS, V. (2019) The rapid resetting of the Ca isotope signatures of calcite at ambient temperature during its congruent dissolution, precipitation, and at equilibrium. Chemical Geology, 512, 1-10.

Oelkers, E.H., Butcher, R., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Schussler, J. A.,… (2019) Using stable Mg isotope signatures to assess the fate of magnesium during the in-situ mineralsation of CO2 and H2S at the CarbFix site in SW-Iceland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245, 542-555. Click here for text

*Harrison, A.L., Mavromatis, V., Oelkers, E.H., Benezeth, P., (2019) Solubility of the hydrated Mg-carbonates nesquehonite and dypingite from 5 to 35oC: Implications for CO2 storage and the relative stability of Mg-carbonates. Chemical Geology, 504, 123-135. Click here for text


Gunnarsson, I., Aradottir, E.S., Oelkers, E.H., Clark, D.E…. (2018) The rapid and cost-effective capture and subsurface mineral storage of carbon and sulfur at the CarbFix2 site. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 79, 117-126. Click here for text

Oelkers, E.H., Declercq, J., Saldi, G.D., Gislason, S.R., and Schott, J. (2018) Olivine dissolution rates: A critical review. Chemical Geology, 500, 1-19. Click here for text

*Rigopoulos, I., Harrison, A.L., Delimitis, A., Ioannou, I., Efstathiou, A. M., Kyratsia, T., and Oelkers, E.H. (2018) Carbon sequestration via enhanced weathering of peridotites and basalts in seawater. Applied Geochemistry, 91, 197-207. Click here for text

Oelkers, E. H., Berninger, U. N., Perez-Fernandez, A., Chmeleff, J. and Mavromatis, V. (2018). The temporal evolution of magnesium isotope fractionation during hydromagnesite dissolution, precipitation, and at equilibrium. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 226: 36-49. Click here for text

*Clark, D.E., Gunnarsson, I., Aradóttir, E.S., Arnarson, M., Thorgeirsson, T.A., Sigurðardóttir, S. S., Sigfússon, B., Snæbjörnsdóttir, S. Ó., Oelkers, E. H., and Gíslason, S.R. (2018) The chemistry and potential reactivity of the CO2-H2S charged injected waters at the basaltic CarbFix2 site, Iceland, Energy Procedia 146, 121-128. Click here for text

*Voigt, M., Marieni, C., Clark, D.E., Gíslason, S. R., and Oelkers, E. H. (2018) Evaluation and refinement of thermodynamic databases for mineral carbonation. Energy Procedia 146, 81-91. Click here for text

Gíslason, S. R., Sigurdardóttir, H., Aradóttir, E.S., and Oelkers, E. H. (2018) A brief history of CarbFix: Challenges and victories of the project’s pilot phase. Energy Procedia 146, 103-114. Click here for text

*Marieni, C., and Oelkers, E. H. (2018) Carbon sequestration potential of altered mafic reservoirs. Energy Procedia 146, 68-73. Click here for text

Galeczka, I., Oelkers, E. H., and Gíslason, S.R. (2018) The effect of the 2014-15 Bárðarbunga volcanic eruption on chemical denudation rates and the CO2 budget Energy Procedia 146, 53-58. Click here for text

*Snæbjörnsdóttir, S. Ó., Tómasdóttir, S., Sigfússon, B., Aradóttir, E.S., Gunnarsson, G., Niemi, A., Basirat, F., Dessirier, B., Gíslason, S. R., Oelkers, E. H., Franzson, H. (2018) The geology and hydrology of the CarbFix2 site, SW-Iceland. Energy Procedia 146, 146-157.

*Mulders, J. J. P. A., Harrison, A.L., Christ, J., and Oelkers, E.H. (2018) Non-stoichiometric dissolution of sepiolite. Energy Procedia 146, 74-80. Click here for text

*Voigt, M., Pearce, C.R., Baldermann, A., and Oelkers, E.H. (2018) Stable and radiogenic strontium isotope fractionation during hydrothermal seawater-basalt interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 240, 131-151. Click here for text Click here for text

Bénézeth, P., U.-N. Berninger, N. Bovet, J. Schott, and E.H. Oelkers (2018) Experimental determination of the solubility product of dolomite at 50 to 253° C Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 224: 262-275. Click here for text

*Snæbjörnsdóttir, S.O., S.R. Gislason, I.M. Galeczka, and E.H. Oelkers (2018) Reaction path modelling of in-situ mineralisation of CO2 at the CarbFix site at Hellisheidi, SW-Iceland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 220, 348-366. Click here for text