Some past Post-docs

Tamara Diedrich (Currently an Independent Consultant, USA)

Research interests: experimental mineralogy, solid-state chemistry, and mineral characterization

Vasileios Mavromatis (Currently at Queens University, Canada)

Research interests: precipitation kinetics during carbonate mineral formation at low temperatures and stable isotope fractionation during inorganic and bio-induced mineralization

Julien Declercq (Currently at SRK Consulting, Cardiff, UK)

Research interests: mineral synthesis related to carbon sequestration; mineral dissolution and precipitation

Morgan Jones (Currently at the University of Oslo)

Research interests: The effect of explosive volcanoes on climate and the effect of

volcanic ash on aqueous geochemistry. Measuring the rate of basalt dissolution in seawater to model the weathering reactions of basalt and the contribution of fluxes to the oceans

Christopher Robert Pearce (Currently at Southampton University)

Research interests: development of novel stable isotope techniques and their application to various geological and environmental issues. Kinetics of the reactions that govern carbonate precipitation and dissolution (with the aim of producing a general kinetic rate law for carbonate minerals), as well as the rate of basalt dissolution in seawater and the effect this has on seawater composition