Credit Card Details Help

Velocity Checking

Velocity Checking is a security feature peformed by the terminal and card. The checks ensures that a large payment is not splitted into smaller ones within a short period and during offline scenarios to circumvent the financial limits of the cardholder and merchant. 

Severy counters may be configured on the card that can be used for Velocity Checking.


The purpose of velocity checking is to allow an issuer to request that, after a certain number of consecutive offline transactions (the Lower Consecutive Offline Limit), transactions should be completed online. However, if the terminal is incapable of going online, transactions may still be completed offline. 


If the terminal is incapable of going online, transactions may still be completed offline until a second (Upper Consecutive Offline Limit) limit is reached. After the upper limit is reached, the recommendation of the issuer might be to reject any transaction that cannot be completed online. 

Once a transaction has been completed online with successful issuer authentication, the count begins anew, so that transactions may be processed offline until the lower limit is again reached. 


Similar to the counters above, the values LCOLA and UCOLA can track a lower and upper amount in the card's currency. These limits only work in case of transactions performed in the cards home currency.

VLP Available Funds, Funds Limit, Reset Threshold, Single Transaction Limit

These limits are specific to VISA®  cards and quick contactless transactions (VISA Low Value Payment, qVSDC). The Available Funds amount is reduced by every contactless offline transaction. As soon as an online transaction is processed, the Available Funds are "refilled" to the VLP Funds Limit value. Therefore this value indices how much you can spend with offline contactless payments.

As soon as VLP Available Funds falls below the VLP Reset Threshold then the card tries to request an online processing. The VLP Single Transaction Limit sets the maximum amount for a single offline contactless transaction.

CTCUL, CTCI, CTCIC and other VISA counters

VISA cards may contain several additional counters for domestic and international transactions. A comprehensive overview:

For contactless payments:

And the total sum of transactions can also be limited:

Available Offline Spending Amount (AOSA)

A further VISA®  specific counter of the total remaining amount available to be spent offline. This may be calculated from the CTTAL - CTTA and/or VLP Available Funds.

Offline Accumulator Balance

This is used by MasterCard® and represents the amount of offline spending available on the card.

CPACE Counters (EMV Common Payment Application) Counters

The EMV Common Payment Application describes the payment scheme for some European debit card, e.g. the German Girocard. The application contains a very complex logic of counters, accumulators and cyclic accumulators. You may have a look at Accumulator #2 which tracks the amount of all offline/contactless transactions.

As most transactions are performed online nowadays, cards rarely contain any useful counters. For daily or weekly limits, please contact your bank.