useful commands

To know how much space is a given user "blocking" in /scratch11, for example, you would do:

find /scratch11 -user juan.saborido -type f -printf "%s\n" | awk '{t+=$1}END{print t/10.e+9}'

You will get the output in GB.

To see the correspondence /scratch/ - nodo:



localizar el paquete al que pertenece un archivo con el siguiente comando:

rpm -qf /path_to/file

Desmontar scratches:

umount -l /scratch01/ /scratch10/ etc...

Correr cousas con lb-<bla>:

lb-dev Erasmus/v14r2

cd ErasmusDev_v14r2

git lb-use Erasmus

git lb-checkout Erasmus/master Phys/Ks2Pi0MuMuTuples

make configure

make install -j8

When you build the project, an executable "run" will appear in the installation folder. That's the script you must run instead of "lb-run". lb-run is only for released versions.

Para comitir mierdas en lhcbsw:

git add

git commit -m "compulsory comment"

git lb-push Erasmus master (or equivalent)

you can also look here (good luck if you want to just do an svn update equivalent):