HLT upgrade

    • Miguel, Kaon trigger lines for Run 3, February 19th 2020.

    • Claire, Status on muon matching lines, RTA meeting, August 23rd 2019

    • Miguel, Status of the VELO-UT-Muon reconstruction sequence, RTA: Muon Reconstruction WP meeting.

    • Miguel, Status of the VeloUT-Muon matching for the upgrade, Muon Software meeting, January 15th, 2019

    • Miguel, K0Sμ+μ upgrade bandwidth studies, Trigger meeting, October 5th 2018

    • Miguel, Velo-UT Muon matching for the upgrade, Muon Software Meeting, July 31st 2018

    • Miguel, Muon-matching algorithms for the upgrade, 12th Hackathon on software for the upgrade, June 25th 2018

  • Veronika, HLT operations meeting week, April 8th 2016.