Steve's Interests

INTERESTS - outside of business


photo - June/06: From left, Steve playing silver Dolnet "Bel Air" alto c. 1965 with son, Ben playing a silver Dolnet "M70" tenor c. 1972

After family interests, I have a lingering passion for jazz. Years ago I played professionally and had a chance to work with a lot of great jazz players in Canada, a veritable whos-who of fantastic musicians. Eventually I moved off stage to do live sound engineering, mostly specializing in true "sound reinforcement" of jazz. On numerous opportunities I worked with major international artists while doing front-of-house engineering. Some day I may make a list of some of the artists I worked with. I don't do much live sound now but still like to play for personal enjoyment, trying to find that old spark and dexterity.

Horns - I have a pretty substantial collection of saxophones, flutes and clarinets that I have purchased over the years. Ben (my odest son) and I are playing vintage Dolnet saxophones in that photo at the top of this page. You'll notice that the Dolnet 'M70' tenor Ben is playing has quite an offset of the bell. Very unique. I've switched over to playing a King 'Super 20' alto, c. 1972 for the last few years. The 'Super 20' is a very cool horn, but I still haven't located the switch for the Cannonball sound. For many years I've been quite intrigued with the acoustic relationships of musical horns and loudspeakers and might delve into some research.