Stealing Blue

haiku & poems


I never realised the rock was female

Till I arrived,

And she showed me —

Lying belly up,

gravid with meaning, pregnant with life.

So generous, frightening in her clarity

As I trace the memories of her past couplings with the Rain —

The water caressed and cradled in her fertile clefts

And today, despite the dry,

squeezed between her curves and folds

Over ancient, bloody trails







Gippsland Haiku

silence — then the bat

coming this close to my face

sound of tearing silk

they call them shit birds —

ibis — those angels in flight

farmers' poetry

cows here wear earrings

No. 9 tastes windfall apples

with blue-black tongue


over old wooden bridge

loose teeth and small change

down the mountain

larvae scribble bark

I pocket a scroll

Clickety-Clack & Down the Mountain published in Rusted Hinge (2006); Silence—then the bat in Poetrix 1(1994); Cows and Earrings in Hobo (1997); Ibis in Moments 1(1996); Uluru first appeared in Poetrix 3 1994.