Rocks Stones Dust

Rocks, Stone, Dust combines journal fragments, haibun and images inspired by a journey through the Red Centre of Australia. You can read the extract 'Henrik's Shrebergarten' here.

You can purchase an ebook for $3.99 at Amazon by clicking the link below. The ebook is about 48 MB and contains images.


… a freshness of tone with your seamless blending of the ‘scientific’ and the poetic. I particularly like the way you introduce the very personal touch, your human footprint, without in any way overwhelming your emphatic focus on the landscape.

A lightness of touch and the humour adds to our pleasure in following a highway that is itself a honed gem ‘gravid and pregnant with meaning’.

A journey full of delightful surprises for the reader. (Una Hurding, writer).

‘Some wonderful flashes of writing here, like veins of gemstone glinting from crevices’. ( Dr. Patrick West, judge Trudy Graham and Julie Lewis Literary Awards)