EGR 690 - Capstone Design Project


Emphasis on team based engineering design and realization procedures with application to an industrial or entrepreneurial design problem. Students will synthesize the knowledge and skills acquired in prior masters level engineering courses. The nature and scope of the problem is determined by the student teams in consultation with the instructor. Prerequisites: Successful completion of professional practice and emphasis courses.

The key steps:

1. Identify project topics.

2. Screen for advanced content based on previous courses.

3. Rough plan for project.

Rough literature review

Rough thesis/plan

Rough method/protocol

4. Background work including literature survey.

5. Experimental and/or development work.

6. Analysis or testing.

7. Finalize documentation.

8. Presentation.

Project attributes:

Clear Objective(s)

Theoretical or rigorous methods


Uses topics taught in masters courses

Unique, and novel, is desired but not required

Project Teams:

Separate identifiable tasks

Complimentary work

Individually defended

Planned Topics:

The research process

Literature reviews

Experimental methods

Data Analysis

Thesis and project reports

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