Teaching Resources

Bree has a good amount of information for instructors here: http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~betting/ResourcesForGraduateInstructors.html

This page includes the following:

    • Q&A
    • Best Practices
    • Important Dates
    • Math 111 & 112 Syllabus

Below are some of Mckenzie's Mathematica notebooks used to make pretty pictures and animations for class. (Pro-tip: right click and select "Save Graphic As..." to export images from Mathematica.)

    • 2-12-1.nb ~ Includes animations motivating limits with slopes of tangent lines (rates of change.) Also has examples of when limits don't exist.
    • calc1.nb ~ Includes a sampling of plots from Math 111
    • calc2.nb ~ Includes a sampling of plots from Math112 such as: Taylor Polynomial Animations, Filling in a Polar Plot, Direction Fields
      • Bonus: Contains sample code for exporting animations to a .gif or a .avi file
    • polarplots.nb ~ Includes a sampling of Polar Plots