Love INC network history and volunteer training

NOTES from small group session, Sept. 22, 2016:

Heidi Bolz, Exec. Director, Love, INC (In the Name of Christ)– She asked our group what we were interested in learning. Some wanted to know about the organization and others about how to volunteer.

The Organization

There are 135 LOVE INC affiliates in the world. Started 36 years ago. Eugene’s organization called LOVE INC of Central Lane County is only 2 ½ years old. 

They act essentially as a call center, taking referrals from and to social service agencies or directly from “clients” asking for practical assistance with goods (which they call “charity compassion”) or chores/services (called “developmental compassion”). And training volunteers to provide the services. Funding comes from churches that have partnered with them, currently fifteen churches, and businesses.

Volunteer Recruitment

The common thread – is Christ. All volunteers have to affirm their belief in the Apostles Creed and accept both Bible testaments as sacred scripture. Service and compassion are seen as a commandment to follow Christ. 

What the agency can do for them (the volunteers)- They believe they are helping Christians fulfill their personal mission. Look for folks who are demonstrating the Christian values you need in your volunteers. Find their passion and you can help them live it out.

Volunteer training

Understanding – People volunteer for many reasons and you have to figure this out and help them get what they need. 

Population – Lots of retirees. References from pastors. Many of the partnering churches got involved so the congregation has an outlet for volunteerism. Background checks are done on all volunteers. There is supervision by someone in the office.

Agency’s focus – As a call center, referrals are made to existing social services in the communities when applicable.  But goods can be provided, such as firewood, meals, rides to appointments, yard work. They can provide new mattresses, donated by Sleep Train. They will soon have more bedroom furniture donated by hotels.

Agency’s approach/philosophy - Again Heidi talked about Charity compassion and developmental compassion. (working with, not for, clients) A hand up not a hand-out. Again, they feel they help the volunteer as much as the client

Role – They find ways to help Christians find practical ways to help. Train volunteers. It’s about building relationships. What they do is based on people’s passions. And skills.  120 volunteers currently. Heidi presents at churches, when invited, to help congregations get involved in volunteering.

Value – talked about making sure people know their value in your organization. Specific thanks and recognition. Rewarding right behavior.

Agency Networking – partners with some 15 churches and all social service agencies, but mainly Senior & Disabled Services.

 More information is available online. Monthly newsletters are emailed out if one is interested.