
Source Document: The emBRACE Glossary. Deliverable 8.8. Version 2. 2015-09-03

The emBRACE glossary is intended, primarily, as an aide memoire for project partners. It is purposefully kept short and we have tried to exclude terms for which there is a generally agreed understanding or where there are very many different understandings that are central to specific analytical or conceptual frameworks. In the case of the latter partners are urged to define concepts at the start of their work. Where partner definitions deviate from those presented in this glossary a note should be made of this in the relevant text. This will enable comparative discussion without constraining research.

Definitions have often drawn heavily from established meanings offered for example by IPCC SREX or AR4, or ISDR. Where direct quotations are used citations are provided.

The Glossary provides definitions for the following terms:

  • Actor

  • Adaptation

  • Adaptive capacity

  • Community

  • Degeneracy

  • Disaster

  • Disaster Preparedness

  • Disaster Recovery

  • Disaster Response

  • Disaster Risk Management (DRM)

  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

  • Flexibility

  • Environmental Governance

  • Natural Hazard

  • Hazard Mitigation

  • Institution

  • Networks

  • Organisation

  • Panarchy

  • Parsimony

  • Redundancy

  • Region

  • Resilience

  • Resistance

  • Risk

  • Robustness

  • Self-organisation

  • Social Capital

  • Social Learning

  • Social-ecological system

  • System

  • Thresholds / tipping points

  • Transformation

  • Vulnerability

Introduction | Concepts | Methods | Case Studies | Reaching Out | Resources

emBRACE Glossary | emBRACE Bibliography