
About the emBRACE Project

The emBRACE project aims to improve the pan-European framing of the resilience concept. Using interdisciplinary, socially inclusive and collaborative methods, it will develop a conceptual and methodological approach to clarify how the resilience capacity of a society confronted with natural hazards and disasters can be characterized, defined and measured. Based on a systematic evaluation of the widest literature base, the project will first elaborate an initial conceptual framework. Existing datasets will be interrogated to identify variables that provide indications of resilience and which are framework consistent. The framework and data will then be ‘tested’ and ground truthed by means of several carefully-chosen European case studies which will be differentiated by hazard, governance setting, socio-demographic-economic context and scale.

Indicators to measure resilience will be recommended based on practical experience and grounded theories. A wide range of stakeholders and experts will be incorporated into different knowledge-sharing groups. A key difference in the emBRACE project approach is the seeking out of those people and groups not normally included; not as subjects of research but as partners in the research and experts in their own right (e.g. through Peer-To-Peer Learning Exchanges with grassroots groups).


Resilience, Disasters, Disaster footprints, Interdisciplinary, Integration, Human impacts, Knowledge-sharing groups, Peer-To-Peer Learning Exchanges

This project is supported by the European Commission under the Environment (including climate change) Theme of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.