About Elpis

Elpis is a Hungarian open access, peer-reviewed philosophy journal, published online, and also in print in two volumes per annum. It was estabilished in 2007, since 2017 it operates as the journal of the Doctoral School of Philosophical Sciences at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Budapest). Accordingly, we are publishing papers in the area of philosophy and so-called philosophical sciences. The journal is edited by young researchers and doctoral students/candidates, the advisory board consists of the teachers and heads of the doctoral school (for the list of names, see Board). Our main goal is talent management, providing a forum for young colleagues in the field of philosophy.

The journal is divided to the following columns:

1. Thematic columns bear the name of the chosen topic of the issue.

2. The column KRATĒR contains non-thematic, miscellaneous papers.

3. The column KRITĒRION publishes book reviews and debates.

4. The column SKOPĒ offers longer papers which introduce mostly undiscussed topics in Hungarian scholarship.