Eleven Hack V1.1

Date de publication : 29 déc. 2012 14:20:48

ElevenHack V1.1 featuring save rigs has been released, packed with new features!

This is exactly what I had in mind when I started this project. A small software to share the rigs with others.

This version can read and save TFX files, in this sense, it is feature complete.

I hope that it will bring more users to share their rigs!

To Mac users: due to a lacking implementation of the Java Midi interface, the save rig does not work with Apple Java and Oracle Java as well.

So, for the moment, the save feature in deactivated on the mac. A friend of mine is looking at the possiblility to implement a Java Midi Driver compliant with the standard. But is it not simple, still, there is hope that we can solve this problem.

Here are the hilights for this version:

    • New Try TFX option to load a TFX rig on your 11R without saving. The rig will effective on the device but not permanently stored. It will not be reflected on ElevenHack's interface, and it will disappear if you switch to an other rig.
    • New Save Rig option! Select a rig, select a location, you can change the file name (the default is the internal rig name displayed by the 11R), and voila! You 're done! The name of the rig displayed by the 11R is stored in the file and you can choose a different file name, the internal rig name stays the same (deactivated on the Mac).
    • New Rename Rig option. By popular demand, you can now rename a rig on the 11R. It changes the internal name of the rig! You can then save this new name to a TFX file.
    • New Tuner switch: Activate the tuner feature on the 11R.
    • New Volume Slider: operate the main volume from ElevenHack.

There is some bugfixes as well:

    • Fixed the slowdowns when reconnecting.
    • File dialogs display a vertical list instead of horizontal (it looks better!).

Special extra thanks to the beta testers for their great job: misfit, MRJSTUDIOS and Str@man!

There was far to many beta and they kept testing with dedication.

I would like also thank the 5 donors for the first version.
