
Date de publication : 14 nov. 2012 15:13:41

This is the first public version of ElevenHack.

You need a recent JAVA runtime environment on your computer to run it.

For Mac users be sure to install the original Oracle Java Runtime Evironment (Apple Java does not work) and mmj MIDI libraries.

This first version just displays the rigs on the Eleven Rack user preset bank, and loads TFX file to a user selected location.

To configure the software and upload a rig file, do the following:

    • If Java is properly installed, just double click on ElevenHack.jar to start the application.
    • Be sure that your Eleven Rack is plugged!
    • Use the Device->Select Midi to select the Midi channels of your Eleven Rack ( they are different for input and output).
    • Once you click OK, the software initializes the Eleven Rack and lists the device rigs on the left list.
    • Select the rig you want to replace on the list ( your selection should appear on the device too ).
    • Select Option menu Rigs->Load Rig. A file chooser dialog box should appear.
    • Navigate to your TFX file you want to send to the device and select it.
    • click OK to save the Rig is on the Eleven Rack !


Big thanks to the ElevenRackPresets forum for the encouragements and the kind words during the development of ElevenHack.

Extra thanks to Misfit and MRJSTUDIO for their help in testing the software.

You guys rules!