ElevenHack 2.0!

Date de publication : 30 juin 2013 13:07:24

ElevenHack 2.0 has been RELEASED!

Tons of new stuff in this release!

    • New user interface with new grid view, you can see all the 11R rigs at once!
    • Drag & drop from file explorer/Finder directly to the right rig location!
    • Search engine, index your rig rirectory and search by amp, effect or name.
    • Drag and drop from search result list directly to the 11R rig location.
    • Double click on the search result rig will load the rig on the 11R without saving it on the device (load the rig in test mode).

On windows, there is a problem with eleven rack drivers from AVID version v1.1.6. Please use previous version, it works well.

This release is a huge improvement from the previous one. It is not any more the small pet project it was last year. It has passed the 10.000 lines of code (not an indicator of project complexity but gives an idea) and represents hundreds hours of work since I first try to understand wha't inside a TFX file, what's happening between the PC and the Eleven Rack, and learned to talk to it politely so it would accept to load a rig :)

This would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of the elevenrackpreset community.

I would like to thank specially Str@man and misfit. Their patience with me and their dedication in bug hunt is second to none. I would like also to welcome Seemöwe and roachone in the testing crew. Sadly, misfit sold his 11R, and the project is missing 1 or 2 mac testers.

If you have a little time to spare ( and a mac) for this cool project, you can help, contact me and join us!

I will finish by mentioning the Hellbat's 'whoaaaaa!!!!' effect when you launch the application... you will see soon what I am talking about!

As a developer I am very happy to see the community of users share tips, rigs, I would like to thank also all the user sharing experience and help on the elevenrackpresets forum.

As the previous version, ElevenHack 2.0 is FREE! No adds, no in app purchase, no dirty tricks!

If you like this project, you can help by

- Sharing rigs (www.elevenrackpresets.com might be a cool place for that).

- Spread the word on other forums, tell users about ElevenHack (I cannot subscribe to all forums, you can really help me).

- Make a donation on https://sites.google.com/site/elevenhack/ It is very appreciated (honest, that would really help justify those long hours spent in front on my computer for free to my family :) )

Dowload it here: https://sites.google.com/site/elevenhack/


Guillaume (A.K.A Bzerk the Berserk )