Week 6 : Absorption and Scattering (Chenghao Shu)

Post date: Sep 23, 2009 6:22:48 PM

Hey Class -

This week we'll be taking a look at how nanoscale particles absorb and scatter light. Please read the draft paper by Chenghao Shu, and come prepared with questions.

Important notes:

    • Show up on time! It's disrespectful to the speakers to show up late, and you miss important information.

    • When submitting your papers, please remember to sign the honor pledge on the copy you submit to the TA (Lisa or myself). If you have questions about the honor pledge, read the Presenting Your Topic page.

    • The first of our polished course papers are now available online on the Resources page.

See you on Wednesday in DH 1049, and 9 AM sharp.

