Release of Precocious

Datum objave: Mar 04, 2013 11:30:26 AM

I uploaded another short story on Smashwords and Amazon US, UK, DE

Precocious is a 13,000 words long fantasy about fairies and it uses Cinderella story as a guideline.

(The cover made by The Book Cover Designer)

Summary: In the world of fairies, seventeen-year-old Rue's days consist of farming, cleaning, selling her crops at the local market or in the human world above, while her stepmother and stepsister attend dances, parties and any society event her stepmother manages to get invited to. Rue never cared for dances and never wished to go to one until Andrew, one of the Prince's friends, invites her to a ball that Rue's stepmother doesn't want her to attend.

The sample can be read here.

At the beginning, this story was titled Precarious and was suppose to be happening in the backstage of a concert tour, but since I haven't found enough of information about concert's backstage to get a feel of the backstage surroundings and dynamic, I used the characters for this fairytale. The title Precarious defined one of the characteristic of the roadie Rue, but because the fairy story called for a different character arch and conclusion, Rue in this story isn'tt clumsy. So replaced Precarious with Precocious, which I believe identifies the fairy Rue much better. 

Precocious an adjective with two meanings: 

1. Manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental aptitude.

2. Botany Blossoming before the appearance of leaves.