Research Project

진행중 (On-going project)

Jun.23- Feg 28: Expert training program for Building Integrated Photovoltaics ecosystem (인력양성사업, 한국에너지기술평가원)

Sep. 22 - Feb. 27: Multiscale Engineering for Electrical Reliable Perovskite Solar Module and Systems ( 중견연구자 지원사업, 한국연구재단)

Apr. 21 - Dec .24:Materials and process development for grid electrode of large size, highly efficient, bifacial p-PERC photovoltaic cell (소재부품개발 사업, 한국산업기술평가관리원)

종료 과제 (Finished)

(2022.08 - 2022.10)태양광 발전설비 부지·구조물 및 BIPV 검사기준 개편 (한국전기안전공사)

(2022.07 - 2022.12) 도전성 고무를 이용한 전기&수소 자동차 충전설비 안전성 강화 ((재) 과학기술일자리진흥원)

(2021.08 - 2022.07) Study on graphene oxide as a hole extraction layer for stable organic solar cells (SeoulTech)

(2020.11 - 2021.04) 국가 전기안전관리체계 선진화 방안 연구 (한국전기안전공사)

(2020.03 - 2021.02) Glare analysis of glass wall building for drivers (SeoulTech)

(2020.03 - 2021.02) Development of highly efficient organic-inorganic hybrid photovoltaic cell for smart devices and IoT sensors (Seoultech)

(2019.5 - 2021.12) Developing of Highly Efficient BIPV Photovoltaic Module for Window and Curtain Wall (한국에너지기술평가관리원) 

(2019.06 - 2022.02) Reliable and Efficient Colorful Photovoltaic Module and System (기본연구, 한국연구재단)

(2019.03-2020.2) Influence of Electrical Traps on the Current DensityDegradation of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells (Seoultech)