Current Members

Principal Investigator (연구 책임자)

Hyung-Jun Song (송형준)

Assistant Professor, Department of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea

서울과학기술대학교 안전공학과 조교수

Post-Doctor(박사후 연구원)

김충일 (2024.3~ ): Risk Assessment of PV system from local heating /Light reflection induced glare in aircraft and vehicles.

Ph.D/Master Course (전일제 석/박사과정)

Ph. D course

고재환 (2022.3~ ): Stability Engineering for colored photovoltaic module/ Intelligent Sensor for damaged electric elements

MS Course

이수운 (2022.9~ ) : Effect of electrical stress on the thin-fim device (Quantum-dot LEDs)

김성현 (2023.3~): Heat dissipation of electronic device using heat dissipative microparticles 

송지원 (2024.03~): Flexible bypass diode for stable PV systems

Undergraduate (학부생 연구원)

이수빈 (2022.07~) : Risk assessment of airport photovoltaic

이한길 (2022.07~): Risk assessment of airport photovoltaic

김찬우 (2023.02~): Conductive anti-static Mat for ESD free system

서정인 (2023.05~): Stability of Gas sensor 

배태상 (2024.01~)

김보라 (2024.01~)

Ph.D/Master Course (전일제 석/박사과정)

Ph. D course


이태주 (2019~): Safety-enhanced underground parking system

김   중  (2019~): Safe design of Electricity system in buildings

김병직 (2022~) 

최형준 (2022~)