Skaneateles Challenge

On a recent trip to Upstate New York, I came upon a great way to get in my weekly mileage in preparation for Chicago: run the circumference of Skaneateles Lake in out-and-back runs (so, technically, run the circumference twice). The Skaneateles Challenge was born, with bonus points awarded if runs were followed by jumping in the lake and by enjoying two Gennessee beers. The Challenge unfolded over seven runs as follows:

--Run #1--Distance: 12.64 miTime: 1:25:06Pace: 6:44/miSplit: -0:24Notes: Good climb starting at mile 3.5. Concocted Skaneateles Challenge on run back.--Run #2--Distance: 9.28 miTime: 1:03:38Pace: 6:51/miSplit: --Notes: A full moon + huge lightning + last-mile rainstorm made this run one to remember.--Run #3--Distance: 13.38 miTime: 1:27:41Pace: 6:33/miSplit: +0:00Notes: Some amazing open views across the fields. Warmest day of the trip.--Run #4--Distance: 8.96 miTime: 1:00:10Pace: 6:43/miSplit: --Notes: Ran through Skaneateles Village in about the worst deluge I've ever run in. --Run #5--Distance: 11.00 miTime: 1:11.10Pace: 6:28/miSplit: -0:22Notes: Felt great--best run of the trip. Made it to Borodino.--Run #6--Distance: 11.00 miTime: 1:13:09Pace: 6:39/miSplit: -0:41Notes: Up the Borodino Hill, very open landscape & great lake views. Flipped at Spafford.--Run #7--Distance: 10.74 miTime: 1:09:58Pace: 6:31/miSplit: +0:41Notes: Run down the Vincent Hill Road...and then back up.The final results for the Skaneateles Challenge were:

Distance: 77.00

Time: 8:30:52

Pace: 6:38/mi

You can see the same route over a topographical map below. In my assessment, the worst hills in order of difficulty are: mile 35-36 (on the way back), mile 12 (back), miles 4-5 (on the way out) and mile 28 (out). This map also shows the three New York counties (Onondaga, Cayuga and Courtland) that the Challenge covered:

Maps courtesy of GMap Pedometer

This was a gorgeous way to see Skaneateles Lake from literally every vantage that you could (except aerial). Check out some of the scenic highlights: