
Post date: Feb 19, 2018 12:20:18 PM

Impressive racing by all athletes on an abbreviated course this past weekend. After a warm spell pushed us to race at the Ski Jumping Complex, ECSC made lemonade from a bushel of lemons. 

The skate race went on Saturday afternoon with a FAST, FIRM course. Rolling hills behind the ski jumps kept athletes working hard. Sunday's classic race was more interesting with a lack of tracks. But the firm course and cold weather gave racers relief with plentiful kick up the hills. Results have been posted.

REGIONALS in five days! The wind up for Nationals back in Lake Placid! Race information was updated. Times are set. Chief of Course at the Ski Bowl confirms they will be deep with man-made snow to give racers a fair and challenging course. Captains and Coaches, look for an email later today with all the details.

I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about the fierce racing this coming weekend!