

"The Drivers of Increasing Wage Sorting" with Jesper Bagger, Malthe Elholm, and Jonas Maibom

"A Structural Search Model with Voluntary Unemployment Insurance" with Malthe Elholm Jensen and Francois Fontaine

"Equilibrium Worker-Firm Allocations and the Deadweight Losses of Taxation" with Jesper Bagger and Espen Moen. Previously circulated as Optimal Taxation with On-the-job Search.

"Income Taxation and the Equilibrium Allocation of Labor" with Jesper Bagger, Mads Hejlesen, and Kazuhiko Sumiya

"How Heterogenous is Human Capital? A Unified Approach" with Mathias Barding, Carl Sanders, and Chris Taber

"Turnover Costs: Evidence From Unexpected Worker Separations" with Antoine Bertheau, Pierre Cahuc, and Simon Jäger

"Delayed Retirement: Effects on Health and Healthcare Utilization" with Anne Katrine Borgbjerg, Hans Sigaard, and Michael Svarer