
NOTE: In order to get access to this data then contact your lecturer/supervisor and they should contact me if they do not already have access. The below mentioned contract should be signed between the student and the lecturer/supervisor.

Data For Teaching at Aarhus University, Documentation

Documentation (Danish)

Documentation (English)

List of variables (Danish)

List of variables (English)

You need to sign this contract: Contract

The data can be used for the following courses

• Applied Microeconometrics

• Economics of Education

• Health Economics

• Micro and Macro Models of the Labor Market

• Mikro seminarholdene på erhvervsøkonomisk seminar på 4. semester i HA studiet på Aarhus Universitet

• Bacheloropgaver

• Kandidatspecialer

• Public polic and economics

• Economics of Policy Evaluation

• Econometrics

• Topics in Economics and Management

• Anvendt Økonomi (4. Semester, oecon, Niels Skipper)