Danish Data Doc

This site contains information on a few aspects of the Danish register data. Some of it is general and some pertains to specific variables.

Overview and annotations of Danish register data sets (kindly provided by Robert Jackman): IDAN, IDAPALL (IDAP + stuff), and IDAS

Spell data: Henning Bunzel and Mads Hejlesen have created a spell data set containing the employment status for each person in Denmark at a daily basis.


TIMELON (hourly wage measure):

Short version: Documenting and Improving the Hourly Wage Measure in the Danish IDA Database with Christian Lund, The Danish Journal of Economics, 2016, vol. 1, p. 1-35.

Long version here.

DISCO (occupational code):

Short note on DISCO with Malthe Elholm and Christian Frandsen


Cross-walk between different nomenclatures of BRANCHE