Web News

The web is a BIG place, filled with truth of every description. Who to trust? What to trust?

The challenge is that if the media manufactures the thoughts and opinions of our collective thinking by saturating our brains with the world's news, does the web aid in that manufacture or begin the process of individuated and clear thinking? I have no idea! Most likely both. The challenge of the thinking reader is to question what is received, but not without expanding one's source of information. Truth is a tricky thing, and not easily pinned down.

This page is here to provide easy access to 'alternative' news. By that I mean news that seems to not make it into the mainstream 6 & 11 pm televised news casts, or even, often, the pages of the bigger newspapers. As always, there are exceptions, and this page is limited by the quirk of my own sense and sensibilities when it comes to what is and is not populist and 'alternative' news.

I have included links to some of the on-line news journals that have, IMO, some credibility. And that is not because they say things that contradict what fills the pages of the popular press, but the quality with which they make their arguments. In some cases these arguments may not be 'balanced' within themselves. However, I have included them because normally they provide well reasoned and researched arguments counter to many of those published by our popular journals of news information. And besides, the expectation of a well-balanced article or paired articles, especially within the popular media is long since gone, if it ever existed.

I have included links to topical articles, mainstream and alternative. I have crudely categorised the links as to 'mainstream' or 'alternative'. I have loosely defined, in my own mind, 'mainstream' to mean that which is readily available on TV, Radio or from news stands. For example, CNN is 'mainstream' and AlterNet is not. There are some grey areas: I've put Huffington Post and Naomi Klein as 'alternative' even though each have some TV, radio and print presence — because of the qualifying adjective 'readily'. Yes, Klein and Huffington do make it to TV, radio and/or the popular press but are not readily available there in the same way that The New York Times or Oprah Winfrey are.

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Web News – List page from Classic Sites