One Copper Coin – Du Fu (杜甫)

Post date: Jan 30, 2011 11:48:24 PM

The leaves of green cedar are bitter

But one can still chew them.

The pink dawn is plenty to dine on

For breakfast. Greed will go

To every length in the world

Yet mine is the hard way.

Without having to cook,

Frozen wells remain untouched.

Without pillow and blanket

Cold nature must be one's bed.

So that my pocket will not be

Completely void, I shall leave

In its care, one copper coin.

[Biographical note courtesy of Paul Lloyd Warner's Blog:

Most of Du Fu's life was lived in poverty, much of it wandering as a result of war, or in exile. This poem demonstrates that no matter how tragic his personal circumstances, he brings hope to his situation. Du Fu's humanity shows itself with clarity and beauty.]