
I am happy to answer media inquiries on the following topics:

  • Long-run economic growth

  • Political economy aspects of natural resources and conflict in Ukraine-Russia and Africa

  • Swedish macroeconomic situation

Please find some links to recent media coverage below:

* Media coverage of my working paper "Roman Roads to Prosperity: Persistence and Non-Persistence of Public Goods Provision"

Washington Post; The Telegraph; BBC (Spanish); The Times; Daily Mail; Vox; Corriere della Serra; The NEP-HIS Blog; World Economic Forum; KRWG; NZ Herald;

* Media coverage of my paper "Origins of the Sicilian Mafia: The Market for Lemons" in Journal of Economic History (Jan, 2018):

Washington Post; The Times; Daily Mail; Forbes; Belfast Telegraph; Planet Money; Cambridge Core Blog; Deccan Chronicle; LongRoomNews; The Conversation; National Public Radio (UK); PhysOrg; Market Business News

* Studio Ett on European gas crisis (April 4, 2022); Dagens Nyheter on international companies leaving Russia (March 23, 2022); Göteborgs-Posten on Russian oligarchs (March 3, 2022); Göteborgs-Posten on Russia's economy (Feb 5, 2022); Göteborgs-Posten on impact of Covid-19 lockdowns (Feb 8, 2022); Dagens Nyheter on macroeconomic impact of Covid-19; Studio Ett on financial crisis in Afghanistan (Sep 2, 2021)

* Comments on Trump's dismissal of his corporate advisory councils (in Swedish) (August, 2017) (Dagens Nyheter)

* Comments concerning the level of real interest rates and the risk of a housing market bubble (in Swedish) (March, 2017) (Göteborgs-Posten)

* Opinion article on impact of US election on the Swedish economy (in Swedish) (Nov, 2016) (Dagens Samhälle)