This website provides a record of lectures on Islamic Economics taught at IIIE, IIUI starting Feb 2109 on Friday Afternoons. The Course Outline and Twelve Lectures are listed on the top menu. For a more recent course, see Islamic Economics 2023  {}

Material for the first lecture is given in L01 Intro. Also, I gave a lecture Wednesday 14th Feb 2019 at PIDE which covered the general principles of an Islamic Education, and jhow this is radically different from a Western education. I will be covering similar material in my first lecture on Friday, so it would be useful if students would listen to this lecture -- then they will be prepared to discuss the material in a DEEPER and more MEANINGFUL way. 

See: The First Lecture

The Final Exam for the Course provides a broad overview of the material covered in the course.  See IE 2019 Final Exam for the thirteen questions; links to solutions are provided for some of the questions. 

Last time I taught the course, I developed and outline based on the fifteen lectures linked below:

A Course on Islamic Economics

I will follow a similar approach this time, but I will try to improve contents in several different ways. 

A sequence of lectures is also available on the following webpage

Current Issues in Islamic Economics Fall 2012

Fida Hussain has created a googlegroup for students in this class. The email address is:

sending to this email should go to all students in the class who are registered in the group. Please ensure that you are registered by sending your email to Fida Hussain at

You can also visit group home page and put in a request to join:!forum/phd-economics-fall-2018-batch-iiie-iiui

Google Websites:

1.    Islamic Economics Courses

2.    Islamic Banking and Finance 

3.    General Materials  on Islamic Economics

4.    All Urdu Materials -- Videos, Papers, Courses

On My Personal Website:

  Current Issues in Islamic Economics Fall 2012 

  Islamic Economics: Fundamental points of contrast between conventional theories and the Islamic approach.  

   A Thematic Guide, for shorter articles meant for non-academic audience
