A New Approach to Islamic Economics


{bit.ly/IslamicEcon2023} Our new course takes a unique approach to the subject. This course is founded on the idea that the final message of God to mankind is just as revolutionary today as it was 14 centuries ago. Fourteen centuries ago, the revelation transformed ignorant Bedouin into world leaders, and created a civilization which enlightened the world for more than a 1000 years. This message provides us with complete and perfect guidance on how to build a society in all dimensions, including economic and political. The problem today is that, instead of looking to the Quran, Muslims are looking to the West for guidance in all affairs. The Western Social Sciences provide us with templates to structure our societies on Eurocentric patterns, antithetical to Islam. In this course, we will explain how rebuild economics, and the social sciences, on Islamic foundations.  

This complete course is available, free, on the Al-Nafi platform at: https://portal.alnafi.com/courses/islamic-economics  -{bit.ly/IEalnafi}  - For other online courses, see: TEN COURSES. Sign up for the Islamic Economics Mailing List at: IEML For more active participation in the project of replacing modern Economics by Islamic Economics throughout the Islamic World, join the WhatsApp group of IEML Activists. Past Versions of my courses on Islamic Economics, which provide different contents, and are organized differently, are available from this link: Islamic Economics 2019


13th Lecture: Sunday 27th Aug 2023 at 5:30 to 7:00PM Pakistan Time

Topic: Basics of Money: Seeing Through Deceptions. 

Join Zoom Meeting (bit.ly/sundaytalkseries)


Meeting ID: 851 5557 2740

Passcode: 454969

For Previous Lectures, see: Lectures 



About me

A Ph.D. in Economics at Stanford indoctrinated me into the neoclassical worldview. Many years later, I started to realize the conflicts between real-world economics, and the theories that I had learnt in the university. Bit by bit, the whole theoretical structure unraveled, and I came to realize that everything I had learned was wrong -- see: The Education of An Economist for more details. This led me to a long search for alternative foundations on which to build an economic theory. Eventually, I realized that teachings of Islam provided excellent foundations on which to build all dimensions of a society - economic, political, environmental, educational, and social. This course in Islamic Economics is meant as a demonstration of how this can be done. 

For more information about me, see my interview at Hammad Bin Khalifa University (https://youtu.be/Hgof0gwicE8) , my interview at TBT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzEZbGHmmYU  and also, the About Me page on my website.




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