This new page provides an outline of a planned textbook on Islamic Economics, based on the materials available in this and previous course.

1: Introduction - Background Materials

ARTICLE: An Islamic Worldview: An Essential Component of an Islamic Education

Zaman, Asad, Developing an Islamic World View: An Essential Component of an Islamic Education (January 15, 2007). Lahore Journal of Policy Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 95-105, 2007, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1677727 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1677727

I think the first lecture should just cover this article. However, I think the lecture is too long for modern attention spans. MY solution is to break it up into five or six small pieces.

Each piece should about between 1500 to 2500 words.

Throughout my life, I have been an intellectual -- head-oriented rather than heart-oriented. The paper above is very much an academic paper, logical in structure, with references. Very late in life, I realized that students respond much more strongly to heart orientation. In preparing these new lectures, I would like to appeal to the hearts of the students, and also to relate the materials to their life experiences. The depressing effect of the Eurocentric worldview is felt with our hearts. Our education is designed to create awe and reverence for the Western civilization and contempt and hatred for our own heritage, culture, religion, and nation (like Salman Rushdie's trio - Shame, which ridicules his family, Midnights Children which ridicules his nation, and Satanic Verses, which ridicules his own religion). We should adress these feeling and offer some healing balms. When I gave this lecture in a course a few years ago, I prepared some exercises (see: Exercises for Lecture 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hhNSqOdlcQ7L_NOGgUcojPIdgESjUjUwyeCPo3P5obU/edit?usp=sharing) for students which illustrate what I would like to do more of, in the lectures. But these exercises are just indicators of what I would like to do.

Resources to be used for preparing these five segments are given below:

1: Article on Developing an Islamic World View

2: Blog Post on this topic: https://azprojects.wordpress.com/2019/03/09/islamic-worldview-central-to-islamic-education/

3: Video Lecture
