Check in-Check out

 Check In Introduction


1, HOW TO: How to use fridge, lamp, lights, microwave, toaster, coffe maker, and other elcectric stuff

2, BE SAFE: Be safe when live in especially when use stove; Close water, lights, electric device (especially the stove) and window curtain when go out every day.

3, SHOW AROUND: show customer how to use keys, where is garbage bin, where is parking,

4, KEEP CLEAN AND TIDY: Ask customer to keep clean and tidy, remove garbage, be same as check in when check out, otherwise Easy Lodge will charge fee from deposit.

5, KEEP QUIET: Do NOT speak alound in the room and on the phone,

6, KEEP DOOR CLOSED: Keep your door closed all the time.


where is services on Vancouver map:

Crystal mall (food court at second floor), Metrotown, Burnaby Library, TD, RBC, CIBC banks, Central park & Bonsor park,

Skytrain station, Metrotown bus loop, Superstore, Dollar store, etc.


  Check Out Inspection


1, Facilities work: Check furniture, kitchenware stuff, TV remote, etc,

2, Clean & Tidy: Check cleaning status, all garbage removed.

3, Keys return: return keys, and receipt.

4, then Easy Lodge return deposit, this precedure is very important, first 1, 2, 3, then, return deposit.



EasyLodge 开票方法 (做Check In 时)


在做 Check In 时,收据上要记录的内容:

1,注明姓名,日期, 公寓号码, 房间电话及客户电话(如果有),


3,   记录:发放了几套钥匙(有时客户是大家庭, 需要两套钥匙)

4,备注:No smoking, No drugs, No party, (如果吸烟或退房时烟味明显,将扣除押金)

                   客户将负责:火灾, 水灾, 安全事故(例如偷盗等)

5,复印客户ID, (驾照或护照,公民卡,枫叶卡等, 警察局要求)

6,收取费用,另加税金12%, 并收取押金至少$200.(一般是房租的50%)

7,   向客户解释内容: 下列情况之一者将不能退还押金或将扣除部分:

7.1 房间没有清洁; 7.2,退房时烟味明显;7.3,  有毒品以及床单,被套以及家具有随坏现象。7.4 地毯被咖啡或牛奶污染. 7.5, 钥匙丢失

8,   Check out: 客户离开, 交还收据&钥匙, EasyLodge则退还押金, 注意,收据一定要收回


EasyLodge 收费方法 (做Check In 时) 

在做 Check In 时,一般按照下表收费,但对于1, 2天的客户酌收短期费: 

住1天者按天价价格加收50%; 住2天者每天加价$25%, 第3天恢复正常价格。

例如住STD(原价$99), 住一天则收$148.5 + tax, 住2天则收$247.5 + tax

1.9 加拿大青年旅社 - 温哥华酒店式公寓, 旅馆价格表 - 月租优惠表


关于床的大小 - Beds:  Queen = 1.5MX 2M;     Double size = 1.35M X 2.0M   STU = Studio; STD=Standard, suite, 标准间, 一室一厅标间; 

FAM=Family 两室一厅家庭套房; LUX=Luxury 高层豪华套房; 少于30天的短租按单日价格计算, 大于30天的月租(Monthly Rental Plan-MRP)每周折扣可叠加.                     

Note: 税金=6%+6%=12%; 带烟免费接机: 所有预定均需要50%的定金; 

Parking: back street parking free, basement parking: $3/day, $19/week, $76/month.