Great Pyramid measures & geodesy

Metrology is the science of measurement. Accurate measurement and understanding of Earth's geometric shape and orientation in space, is obtained from the art of Geodesy. Fundamental to all three motions of the Globe, is the Sun's focal point on its skin - digression thereof respective the longitude calibration of the sphere, accordingly relates passage of time.

Describing the pyramids, Diodorus Siculus comments: "...they do not have the appearance of being the slow handiwork of men but look like a sudden creation, as though they had been made by some god and set down bodily in the surrounding sand." Book I - circa 60 BC

Stop the World for a word... motionless, the equatorial bulge is gone and Earth is a sphere with mean circumference of 21600 nautical miles. Its form in motion, respective its stationary host star, constitutes time... The equator is defined in context whereby 1' minute of longitude (1/60 degree) represents a NauticalMile. Therefore, 1° arc longitude equates to 60 nautical miles x60 = 360° that comprise 21600 minutes of arc. Of esteemed value & pragmatic, it captures the two revolutions of our planet. Earth's third motion, in parabolic orbit of the Sun -- a SolarYear -- delineates the ecliptic 360° around the circumference of the World. The progression thereof is tracked via Sunrise against the horizon, in context of the daily changing position of the disc. The minimum limits are represented by G1 & G2 causeways, while that of G3 targets the midway point, Equinox. ref. Astronomical alignments of Giza page

The elemental concept of time is derived, from the Globe incurring 1x Eastward rotation -- in the course thereof, the 'path' of the Sun circumscribes its surface -- an EarthDay comprising 24 hours ×60 = 1440 minutes. Similar in essence, the precession cycle entails Earth performing 1x 360° retrograde (2x 180° Equinox to Equinox). Consequently, true Polar wander occurs in 72° diameter circle, at one minute per day -- approx. rate of 1° of arc in 72 years -- amounting to 25,920 SolarYears. Comprising 365.242 days, each of which has 1440' minutes.

The rearward rotation, SouthWestward, effectively constitutes a 'backward day', albeit a lengthy one: 25920 ÷ 1080 = 24 hours x60 = 1440 minutes (1day) = 360° revolution (1x axial rotation) 360° ÷ 24 hours = 15° longitude, which @1° of arc movement in 72 years, equates to 1080 years. Hence, Earth rotating 30° longitude = 2160yrs... 60°... 90°... 180° in 12960 years (13 millennia).

Earth mean circumference is 21600 NauticalMiles. The direction that Earth revolves precession-wise, is perpendicular to the 38°\52° diagonal, which is defined by the geometry linking the Zawyet el Aryan; & Abu Roash pyramid. Not only dividing Giza, by extension encircling the Globe and splitting it in two hemispheres, that every 1/2 rearward revolution (12,960 years), face 180° opposite directions into space. The virtual diagonal line, then comes into unison with the perpendicular cut, which illuminates 1/2 of a spherical body, otherwise enveloped by the blackness of space. Comprehended in context, this is a remarkable phenomenon and extraordinary knowledge, demonstrably posessed by the pyramid builders. Ref. landing page images

Each occasion reversed, the Pole axis, then in alignment with the Sun & GalaxyCenter, is at right angle intersect with the vertical cut that separates night from day. The relationship between the two bodies -- form, size and separation distance -- thereby relate to their very core. The Giza complex is geared at capturing that -- time -- universally interchangable, degree of arc, axis rotation and distance on the surface of a sphere, within a four dimensional framework. Although revolving around its own axis, the SolarDay shares the same principles, however, maintaining another rate of velocity & counter clock-wise direction respective of the North Pole. Intersecting at centre, the two axes, mutually in conjunction with the ecliptic, merge Earth's three motions with the source of time.The elementary aspects of sustaining human life depend on the physical environment, supreme of which is planet Earth & its host, the Sun - therefore, one would think, worthy of encoding concerning measure, time and vector referencing.

Recalling that 1' minute in every 24 hours is equivalent to 1 nautical mile and 1° of arc 60 nautical miles. Therefore, every 15° longitude represents 900 nautical miles (out of 21600) respective of 1 hour forward, or every 1080 years retrograde axial rotation, alike. Of relevance here, 72yrs × 360° = 25920 SolarYear cycle. Earth mean circumference 21600 NauticalMiles ÷ 1440' = 15°arc. Half precession cycle, i.e.12 hrs of longitude, constitutes 180° rotation and being equivalent to 12960 years (1/2 GreatYear). Comparatively, Earth circumference, comprised of 1440'min. ÷ 360° = 4'min. of arc respective of the horizon (1/2 a Earth Day revolution, comprising 12/24 hrs longitude = 720'min. of time).

Specifications of the Mounds in early Primeval Age 'Words' of Thoth - in stone...

"Ye holy books written by my perishable hands, they have been anointed with the drug of imperish-ability by Him who is master over all, remain ye un-decaying through all ages, and undiscovered by men who shall go to and fro on the plains of this land, until the time when the heavens grow old, shall beget men worthy of you. ...accurate knowledge of the truth... the secret things of Osiris... these holy symbols of the cosmic elements... those Gods who ruled the Earth will be restored..." Kore Kosmou, Prophecy of Thoth

The Shat Ent AmTuat (Book of the After-World) describes "a district in the sky, 440 cubits in length & 440 cubits in breadth" as "the Hidden circle in the body of Nut" 440 x 4 sides = 1760

one Imperial / US mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet

1 yard = 3 feet & 1 foot = 12 inches

GreatPyramid 440 RoyalCubits base length & 280 RC height (sum thereof 720)

Actual side length 252yrds ×3= 756ft ×12= 9072inch. ÷252 ☆36

Great Pyramid dimensions 1/4 scale

1 cubit : 144 inch.(63360÷440)

1 cubit : 12 feet (5280 ÷ 440)

1 cubit : 4 yrds (1760 ÷ 440)

i.o.w. one quarter (0.25) cubit represents 1 yard 440 : 1760

440 cubits (1 side) : 1760 yards / 1 mile (GP circumference)

38,016,000 ÷21600= 1760 ×3= 5280ft ×12= 63360in. ÷4= 15840in. ÷440 ☆36

Astoundingly, the ratios are reconcilable @ 1 in 21600 with the Earth number - two applications thereof. In context, the Polar Circle, Tropic Circle and Equatorial Circle dimension vary by great measure. The latitude of Giza, being somewhere between the former two, therefore is of its own particular size - the length thereof expressed in statute miles, is in compliance with linear & vertical ratios manifest in the building site, where such is employed respective of the 'straight & level'. Comprising 21600 units, each measuring 1760 yards, derived from said latitude circle - the number thereof sharing a mutual feature, also exhibited by the mean circumference of Earth: 21600 nautical miles - derived in turn from its spherical size, calibrated by 360 degrees from the centre outward.

The location selection for Giza is deliberate - representing the long axis, the PolarCircumference longitude forms a cross with the lesser intersecting lattitude circle, which represents the short spar. The characteristic aspects inherent to other planets, will produce their own unique Christ /Osiris measure accordingly - derived from the same universal concept, involving dimension ratios and angle relationships in conjunction with orbital dynamics of the orb. Not restricted to expression in number relating to distance, the 'Nautical Factor' therefore represents a principle... By contrast to the statute mile, the Nautical'Mile' comprises geodetic properties -- curvature measure -- a parabolic section over land, sea or an arc through space.

a magical new?world ratio... 22 ÷ 7 = 3.1428571429 pi, of which evidence of origin is present in the Great Pyramid at Giza: 440 ÷ 280 = 1.5714285714 (half pie) 3.1428571429 (whole pie :-)

The GreatPyramid dimensions represent 1/2 hemisphere of Earth, as such featuring 1/2 day comprising 720 minutes. Non-withstanding time-frame of pyramid construction (designed to depict the era 1250 BC) they exhibit prior knowledge of past and future and embody spherical principles - ancient insight of Earth from an extra terrestrial perspective, relative to the Galaxy & its principal split. This is corroborable by cutting edge 21st Century science, yet the ancient source conveys insight, that in this day & age, mankind very much needs...

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