
Consolidating the dynamics of the event with the legend

author Hendrik Dirker

"Geb commanded the nine gods to gather... he judged between Horus and Seth; he ended their quarrel.

He made Seth king of Upper Egypt.. and made Horus king of Lower Egypt,

which is

the 'Division of the Two Lands'

Thus Horus stood over one region and Seth over one region...

They made peace at Ayan. Then it seemed wrong to Geb that

the portion of Horus was like that of Seth.

..Geb then gave to Horus his inheritance, for he is the son of his first born..

Then Horus stood over the Two Lands.. the uniter of the Two Lands.. who arose as King of

Upper and Lower Egypt.."

Shabaka Stone - British Museum

‘Myth is a deliberately chosen means for communicating knowledge… To make sense of the myth, we must first convert it into a form the intellect will accept… Myth works directly upon the understanding… the symbols in ancient Egypt is a scrupulously chosen pictorial device designed to evoke an idea or a concept in its entirety. It is a means of bypassing the intellect and communicating directly with the intelligence of the heart, the understanding...’ (John West, Serpent in the Sky)

Earth, demarcated & synchronized with Heaven

The diagonal between the Abu Ruwash Pyramid and the Zawyet el Aryan Pyramid -- trans Giza -- divides Egypt, unequally. Essentially however, Earth... is divided into two equal portions thereby. The configuration is derived from topography comprising the Orion constellation, which is centered on the celestial equator: the OrionBelt stars located in-between and the geometry that link star Rigel & Betelgeux, likewise, divide the sky into two sectors, that accordingly host the respective seats of power - associated with Osiris (G1 /star Alnitak) and Seth (G3 /star Mintaka). see Earth gyration page images

The motivation behind the enormous effort required for erecting the pyramids -- the ‘words of Thoth' compiled in stone -- primarily was not intended for the vanity of a King's interment but a message across time... Preserved in symbolism and abstract, it relates to the ‘gates’ and 'what is in the hours of the Duat’. Constituting the long night comprising 1/2 precession rotation, the action -- in conjunction with Polar wander -- causes Earth's axis to slant the opposite direction, every 180° turn. This occurs respective the Galaxy as well as the Sun, hence the Equinox progresses around the Globe. Encapsulated by symbology, the 'division' & subsequent 'unification' legend, in which political tenure associated with the two territories transfer from one era to another. Interfaced with the CelestialPole -- where the serpent constellation Draco (Uraeus symbol) dwells -- the event portrays a power shift, whereby Earth's axis incurs obliquity change, which is emulated by the scales of Ma'at.

Subsequently, the two sovereign crowns are unified in autonomous rule of Horus, with re-enactment of Zep Tepi (the first time)... The Sun returns to the apex of the geographic triangle -- min. obliquity Equinox (perpendicular to the polar axis) -- which signifies the summit of a golden era - commemorating the stable reign of Osiris. Earth rotating precession-wise sees his domain exiting the limelight, whereby Seth's dynastic coup enters the fray - the respective territories, two vertical hemispheres rotate through the day|night division. Thereby the 1/2 Earth previously exposed to the Sun, switches diametrically opposite, facing night & the stars - the shining ones, 'the Lords of Light' who renew cyclically... Osiris' geographical anatomical figure, depicted by a configuration of pyramids, enters the dark, where he established a kingdom in the Duat afterworld. There, the equivalent of his geometrical figure is mapped out celestially, his spirit form -- like the chalk outline in a crime scene -- suspended on the cosmic cross.

Having thus revolved by 180° to face Sun, Seth's region is glorified by the Equinox at the pinnacle of his 13000 year reign, when Earth tipped over, attains 58° obliquity - associated with chaos and destruction. Seth said he was merely defending himself - the 'two lands' are in perpetual 'competition' as Earth revolves, each alternately aligned with the Galaxy Center, or the DuatAfterworld. He claimed 'Osiris attacked him' when 'becoming lengthy of stride' - Earth's retrograde revolution, at intersect slowly gyrating the Pole axis mimics 'walking'. Horus, the Falcon god of the sky was cloned to avenge his 'father' and went in pursuit of his villian uncle. Progressing over aeons, the eye (Sun) was restored to the territory of Osiris -- 'that which belonged to Seth is thus given to Horus', the uniter, by the Earth god Geb -- (Re)unification occurs when Seth's domain returns to the dark side, while Osiris' emerges shining... resurrected from death.

Arbitration by the Gods facilitated an equal divide of the geography: two portions, each comprised of a 'throne' (at Giza) & 'crown' by which Upper Egypt is distinguished from Lower Egypt - the respective tenure of Osiris-Horus and Seth. The White Crown of Upper Egypt and the Red Crown of Lower Egypt represent the Globe, therefore its orientation with crown(s) at top. 'Two Earths', side by side', with one section in darkness, the other illuminated, Earth's red crown... Australia and white crown... Antarctica. Consequent with true Polar wander, observable respective of the S. EclipticPole, these two land-masses distinctly revolve around the hub of precession, exchanging places on opposing sides of the light|dark divide and the EP.

One crown is of greater significance: the principality of Antarctica, exclusively, turns with Earth's rotational axis, the orientation of which dictates the CelestialPole. For this unique continent, the night sky does not ascend, transit a meridian and then descend below the opposite horizon - unique, the sky moves at parallel to the horizon. The stars proceed in concentric circles, Atlantean-like... narrowing vertically to the hub -- the still point in Heaven -- directly overhead. (ref. precession phases - landing page) The two occasions, 13000 years apart, signify the commencement and closure of two eras, during which the Earth system is in an epic struggle between good & evil as Earth's axis respectively tips over and assumes an upright position.

Ref. my ZodiacAges post on Graham Hancock Forum for Event -time- Framework


Zep Tepi - the Conclusion homepage

Identifying the anthropomorphic gods

Vivid interpretation of textual lore clarifies the doctrine inspired by the mythical gods and leads to a staggering conclusion...

In analysis of the Memphis Theology, alias Shabaka Stone, dominion of the deities Osiris and Seth was distinguished. More intriguing, the interior layout of the Great Pyramid demonstrably derives from an astral source that cites a chamber, which eerily alludes to Osiris. Can this vault be breached and will it finally quench all speculation? Another artefact, relating to Giza, the Westcar Papyrus inadvertently corroborates ownership. Diligent scrutiny of the Pyramid Texts reveal the identities of the legendary gods. This body of funerary literature imply the anthropomorphic entities, not Egyptian kings, as the original title holders…

'...this his name of Orion, long of leg and lengthy of stride…’ {PyramidText 959}

'Behold he has come as Orion, behold Osiris has come as Orion... your third is Sothis...’ {PyramidText 820 -2}

'...Raise yourself, o Osiris, Isis has your arm, o Osiris; Nephtys has your hand so go between them...’ {PyramidText 959 -61}

Association of the goddess Isis with the star Sirius is universally accepted, including by mainstream Egyptology. ‘Sothis’ being the Greek name for Sirius, therefore: Sothis/Sirius = Isis. The PT also provides a clue on the whereabouts of Osiris: between Isis and Nephtys. Held by the arm and hand may imply one being close, the other further, none-the-less between them. The position of Isis is known but where does that leave Nephtys? Legend states that although Nephtys was married to Seth, her loyalties were with Osiris. This is reiterated by topographical duality - evident in distance separation of territorial division (ref. images: Earth gyration - landing page & Giza alignments sub-page)

'...your (Osiris) third / 3rd is Sothis (Isis)...' {PyramidText 820 -2}

The text implies Sah, the ‘far strider’ entity, as encapsulating the Orion Constellation – let’s allocate numerical values and see where it leads us… Given that Sirius/Isis = 3 and positing Osiris = the star Alnitak through correlation, we can apply algebraic reasoning: referencing is relative to Osiris, therefore quantifyable a zero entity and thereby deducing Nephtys = 2 (Osiris in between) the remainder of the quartet, Seth equates to 1.

'...you will regularly ascend with Orion from the eastern region of the sky,

you will regularly descend with Orion in the western region of the sky...' {Pyramid Text 820 -2}

The text relates accurate orientation and forecasts a recurring event (you will regularly..). Being a product of Earth rotating, in conjunction with Orion located on the celestial equator -- producing a pivot -- the characteristic order in which the stars rise above the eastern horizon, is uniquely repeated when they set below the western horizon:

d-orionis /Mintaka is followed by e-orionis /Alnilam then z-orionis /Alnitak and finally by Sirius.

Numerically it checks out: Seth 1st, Nephtys 2nd, followed by Osiris (zero) and then Isis 3rd.

Orion-Rostau Giza duality

'I have passed over the paths of Rostau, whether on water or land… they are at the limit of the sky...’ {coffin Text 1035}

According to general concencus Rostau exists in dual topography - celestial and terrestrial locations, beside a ‘winding waterway'. Orion occupies an outer spur, distant from the nucleus and situated near the edge of our spiral Galaxy. Let’s consider the merit of a trilogy, whereby gods = stars = pyramids:

'..The sky is given to you, and the fields of Rushes, the Mounds of Horus, and the Mounds of Seth...’ {Pyramid Text 959-61}

Isis is associated with Heliopolis (obelisk), which correlates with Sirius. Together with the Rostau-Orion duality, it is reasonable to postulate that ‘Mounds’ imply Giza pyramids: G1 =Osiris’ Pyramid, G2 =Nephtys’ Pyramid and G3 =Seth's Pyramid. Through textual interpretation, the anthropomorphic gods thus translate as stars that personified from heaven upon the Earth. The pyramids combine furthermore in collectively incarnating Orion as Osiris.

Khufu's quest for emulating a secret chamber

The Westcar Papyrus is dated to a period -- c.1650 BC -- future in time to the characters therein. The setting is the time of the 4th Dynasty, considered at around 2500 BC... King Khufu had been searching for [the number of] the secret chambers of [the sanctuary of] Thoth. When commanded by the King that it be brought to him, the Djedi pronounces that someone else is ordained for the task, namely the eldest son of the three children who are in the womb of Ruddjedet. In celestial terms, the ‘three triplets’ comprise Orion’s belt:

The 'eldest' (highest above the horizon) being Alnitak (z), followed by Alnilam (e) and then Mintaka (d).

In terrestrial terms the three triplets are the Giza pyramids, the anthropomorphic stars. The oldest being the Great Pyramid, which supposedly is Khufu’s pyramid! The design of Giza depict the era 1250 BC. (ref. event-time link at beginning of current article) The Great Pyramid is the counterpart of Alnitak - the ‘eldest son’ in Orion’s Belt, which can provide Khufu with that which he had been searching for: [the number of] the secret chambers of the sanctuary of Thoth...

'O Horus, the King is Osiris, this Pyramid of the King is Osiris, this construction of his is Osiris;...’ {Pyramid Text 600}

The secret chamber [ipwt] is not the subterranean chamber but revealed as a location in the bedrock, at ground level. Is Khufu interred there - or could the vault belong to Osiris..? Access may be via an internal N-S passage (similar to that of the KC and QC) or a grand entrance, leading from the causeway via the Mortuary Temple and concealed in the East face of the GP. This elevation also concords true with East in celestial topography. Perhaps the Queens Chamber is not such a misnomer after all… from the PT we infer its stellar association with Nephtys. Bizarre as it may seem, luminaries of the aberration in the sky implies pre-dynastic association:

the Kings Chamber belonging to Seth (d-Orionis), the Queens Chamber being that of Nephtys (e) and the principal chamber (z-Orionis), which is yet to be breached, Osiris'...

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