Astronomical alignments of Giza

H e n d r i k - G e o r g - D i r k e r

Intended function of the pyramids

Evidently a unified concept -- on a magnanimous scale -- it can therefore be taken for granted that such demanded advance, in other words trans-generational, planning - taboo according to Egyptology...

Prior to a labour force could commence the daunting toil of building, preparation of foundations was a pre-requisite. Non-withstanding equally impressive logistics respective supply and preparation of material, not to mention detail pertaining construction, pre-existing to all such was the essential requirement of surveying - on an astounding scale. The eventual placement of each structural component, comprising the overall project, was thereby determined - no doubt incurring high degree of difficulty.

Supreme however, is conceptualization -- fundamental plans -- whereby cohesion of the scheme was achieved by employing a grid with East-West & North-South axes. In addition, two essential co-ordinates, derived from the GP setting, provide the NW by SE diagonal which moreover, is demarcated over considerable distance between Zawyat el Aryan Pyramid & Abu Roash Pyramid (celestially depicted by the stars Betelgeux & Rigel respectively). Curiously, this accords with the axis that Earth precesses around -- thus halving the Globe -- but that's a story for another time...

Incorporating linear, angular and circular principles, the scope of the undertaking speaks amply...

N-S directional inversion aside, the geographical counterpart of the belt asterism (which is located on the CelestialEquator - determined by extension of Earth's equator into space) displays distance discrepancy respective latitude (true scale would actually place the great pyramids of Giza in vicinity of the D.R. Congo :o)

Intent, is none-the-less evidenced in azimuth targeting whereby the Causeway of Menkaure's Pyramid is united with its stellar counterpart, the star Mintaka - at the point where ascends the horizon. Thereby providing a nocturnal marker, that essentially identifies the CelestialEquator. Substituted by the disc of the rising Sun, when our host star is situated over Earth's equator -- Equinox day -- connotation thereof associated with G3 Causeway is highly significant.

Due to its form and rotation, our planet has an equator and axis, whereby it is divided into hemispheres - aspects implied by the pyramid builders. Solstice alignments in the era 1250 BC, the orientation of G1 & G2 causeways -- respectively angled at 14° -- accordingly indicate obliquity. Originating West of G2, from a point in the 72 'barracks', the combined angle of 28° therefore capture the separation distance, which was much contracted - by comparison to the TropicCircles of our era

Greatly variable over a precession cycle, the Sun's mid-Summer turning points N & S of the equator, are represented thereby - the product of Earth's axial inclination, interacting with the plane of orbit around the Sun. The three causeways are paramount in the astronomical clockwork, whereby the Giza complex expresses an ultimate relationship of the World respective space.

Configuring a terrestrial counter-part of Orion's Belt

The originators furthermore deliberately manipulated angular orientation, of which the determining factor pertains Earth's axis. The GP is key in this regard and the single source for the geometry of the overall site layout. - see: Heliopolis obelisk & origin of GreatPyramid 45° diagonal N - S Polar axis alignment is reiterated by the two KC shafts & descending passage, that target the Celestial***Equator, Celestial*Pole & EclipticPole respectively. Each of the great pyramids is set on an individual meridian -- characteristic of a Globe, all such converge at its polar finite -- denoting axis of rotation & equator in a mutual right angle relationship.

In recreating the three stars however, the diagonal angle of the pyramid group was intentionally positioned out of kilter by fourteen degrees, compared to the equivalent thereof - being a component integral to the Constellation. Therefore isolated and accordingly out of kilter in greater context of dual cartography - celestial and terrestrial. The topography, exclusive of z; e; d Orionis, otherwise correlate harmoniously vis-a-vis cardinal orientation and the TwoLands divide, comprising 52°\38° mutual diagonal (14° differential).

The objective of the founders entailed implementing principles that collectively facilitate pyramid-star correlation to coincide with Earth's axis incurring 14° obliquity. The causeways corroborate a 1250 BC TropicalYear time fix - leaving nothing to chance, the wizards ensured an unmistakable match, and message...

approval of standing ovation :-) | <--- 14° out of kilter

How could Egyptology, which essentially concerns itself with social history and cultural geography, possibly relate to sophisticated astro-archaeology in context such as demonstrated here?

The 8 Old Kingdom pyramids, remarkably, depict Earth's two axes of rotation in a map that orients the Globe from equator to Pole and whereby Earth is united respective Galactic topography. Rolled out across Memphis, in the guise of a stellar cult, the Polar radius was captured in scale 1:100 distance pertaining longitude measure

Classical precession, changing orientation into space and not obliquity, would merely move the two 'cohesive' skies out of sync. Time-specific design captured by the Rostau***Giza anthropomorphic replication, ensured that deviation from Earth's axial slant is conspicious, by isolating a solo occasion of correlation. Exhibiting super intelligent design, the Solar cult facilitate elaborate monitoring of subsequent obliquity. In conjunction with Earth altering its relationship with Sol over 26 millennia, the cycle slowly revolve the Poles in large circles - in effect, from the centre outward, Earth's axis form two inverted cones. The Celestial*Pole, determined by extension of Earth's axis into space, relocates accordingly (although pivotal, the Celestial ***Equator is bound by a 90° relationship).

Primary motivation for erection of the pyramids

The Long Count / Great Year (see: ZodiacAge topic ) aka precession, associated with true Polar wander - the product of an asteroid, of which the glancing impact scar stretches from the Pacific, Westward across Asia and terminates in the Himalaya uplift - the arc being an irregular crater. The Tibetan plateau is matter fused with a remnant of the object, in a head-on collision. Reverberating East - West from there to the Pyrenees, Earth's crust shock-formed into a geographical feature, known as 'the World's greatest wrinkle'.

In addition to triggering colossal extinction, ploughing Westward into our World, the combined momentum derived from impacting with the object, established a new rotation - retrogade to Earth's Eastward revolution. Perturbed at diagonal, the slowly gyrating polar axis thereby changes orientation into space... Incurring of variable obliquity, with parameters of 14° & 58° -- two opposed instances when the slant of Earth's axis is reversed -- this action advances the equinox 2x 180°. The poles revolve in a 72° diameter circle thereby - not concentric respective the pole of the ecliptic and not parallel to the ecliptic plane... Neither crustal shift, nor a YD comet impact, destroyed former civilizations - it is cyclical and imminent

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