eAIP Bylaws

Electronic Chapter of American Institute of Parliamentarians


I-Name | II-Purpose | III-Membership | IV-Officers | V-Duties | VI-Meetings

VII-Board | VIII-Committees | IX-Amendments | X-Dissolution | XI-Rules

Bylaws Calendar

Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be the Electronic Chapter of the American Institute of Parliamentarians (EAIP).

Article II - Purpose

The general purpose of EAIP shall be to promote the communication between and education of AIP members without regard to geographical location; to investigate and experiment with methods that allow for deliberative meetings in online formats; and to promote the necessary education and research needed to allow for truly democratic online meetings.

Article III - Membership

Section 1. Membership.

Any member of AIP may petition EAIP for membership. Each member of EAIP must remain a member in good standing with AIP. An applicant for membership in EAIP shall submit an application and the payment of annual dues to the secretary/treasurer of EAIP who shall report it to the next regular meeting of EAIP for action. A two-thirds vote shall elect to membership.

Section 2. Nondiscrimination.

EAIP shall not discriminate in any of its policies or practices on the basis of race, color, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, physical disability, medical condition, geographic location, national or ethnic origin or citizenship.

Section 3 Membership Year.

The membership year shall begin on April 1.

Section 4. Membership Categories.

4.1. Charter Members.

Members that attended at least one of the initial three (3) meetings of EAIP and signed the petition to charter sent to AIP shall be classified as Charter Members. Charter Members shall receive all the benefits of Regular Members. Charter Members shall remain members of EAIP for life unless requesting resignation from membership. Charter Members who fail to remain current in the payment of dues for two (2) membership years shall retain the rights and privileges of membership except that of voting and holding elective office. A Charter Member may resume full membership rights upon payment of dues required.

4.2. Regular Members.

Regular Members shall hold one vote in official EAIP elections and shall be eligible for election or appointment to EAIP leadership positions. A Regular Member shall receive all publications of EAIP.

4.3. Honorary Members.

Honorary Membership may be granted by a majority vote of the chapter members. Honorary Members shall receive all the benefits of Regular Members except that of voting or holding elective office. Honorary Members may receive EAIP publications upon request. Honorary Members shall not pay dues.

4.4. Student Members.

Any member of EAIP may have the added designation of Student Member if able to provide documentation of full-time student status.

Section 5 Dues.

Dues shall be made payable on or before April 1 of each year. The dues for each class of membership shall be $25. The dues amount for each class of membership shall be amendable by majority vote without notice at the annual meeting of each year.

Section 6. Termination of Membership.

Membership shall cease by resignation, non-payment of dues for one (1) membership year, death, or expulsion.

6.1. Resignation from Membership.

Any member desiring to resign from the Society shall submit his resignation in writing to the Secretary/treasurer, who shall present it to the Board for action. No member's resignation shall be accepted until his dues are paid.

6.2. Non-Payment of Dues.

The Treasurer shall notify members three months in arrears, and any member, except for Charter Members, whose dues are not paid by the beginning of the following membership year, shall be automatically dropped from membership in EAIP.

6.3 Expulsion.

A member may be expelled for violation of the Joint Code of Ethics of AIP or for cause by the affirmative vote, by ballot, of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board present and voting, a quorum being present, at any regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose; provided that notice of the proposed action to be taken shall be sent to the Board not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting, and by certified mail to the member against whom charges have been preferred. The member may appear, present evidence and be represented by counsel at this meeting.

Article IV - Officers

Section 1. Officers.

The officers of EAIP shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary/Treasurer, and a Technology Director. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Society.

Section 2. Terms.

2.1 Officer Terms.

The president, vice-president, and secretary/treasurer shall be elected at the annual meeting. They shall be designated as elected officers. Terms of office shall begin upon adjournment of the meeting of their election. The elected officers shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected. All elected officers shall serve on the Board.

2.2 Other Officers.

The Board shall elect a technology director. The technology director shall serve a term of two (2) years or until a successor is elected. The technology director shall serve on the Board.

Section 3. Vacancy.

The vice president shall automatically become president upon a vacancy in that office. All other vacancies shall be filled by the Board, except that no vacancy shall be filled by the Board in the thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.

Section 4. Nomination Procedure, Time of Elections.

At the regular meeting immediately prior to the annual meeting, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be elected by EAIP. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the annual meeting in March. The Nominating Committee shall report at the annual meeting in March. Before the election at the annual meeting, additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.

Section 5. Ballot Election.

Elections shall be held at the annual meeting. Officers and Board members may be elected by secret ballot at the request of any member.

Article V - Duties of Officers

Section 1. President.

The president shall preside over all regular and special meetings of the chapter and the Board; appoint standing and special committee chairmen with the approval of the Board; coordinate the duties of officers and committees; and serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, but shall not be counted to establish a quorum.

Section 2. Vice-president.

The vice-president shall preside in the absence of the president; serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee but shall not be counted to establish a quorum. The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the absence or incapacity of the president. The vice-president may serve as the chairman of a standing or special committee and may serve as a member of other standing committees, approved by the Board. The vice-president shall also serve as the education director and chairman of the Education Committee. The education director shall be responsible for providing opportunities for education in parliamentary procedure to all members of EAIP and shall assist in the achievement of AIP certification for all EAIP members who so desire.

Section 3. Secretary/Treasurer.

The secretary/treasurer shall serve as secretary for all regular or special meetings of EAIP and the Board. The secretary/treasurer may appoint an assistant secretary, approved by the Board, to serve in the event of the absence of the secretary/treasurer. The secretary/treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of EAIP as directed by the Board. The secretary/treasurer shall provide a comprehensive report of the finances of the organization to the newly elected officers each year. Upon the election of a new secretary/treasurer the outgoing secretary/treasurer shall give a thorough explanation of the organization's finances and provide any assistance needed by the newly elected secretary/treasurer.

Section 4. Technology Director.

The technology director shall serve as the chairman of the Technology Committee and shall be responsible for accomplishing the tasks assigned it by EAIP or the Board. The technology director shall be responsible for researching and proposing methods for refining or expanding the role of technology in the realm of meetings and parliamentary procedure. The technology director may appoint a technology coordinator to assist in the exploration and proposal for implementation of new technology as it applies to meetings and parliamentary procedure.

Article VI - Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings.

Regular meetings shall be held on the second Sunday of March and September at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time except as otherwise ordered by EAIP or a majority of the members of the executive board.

Section 2. Annual Meeting.

The regular meeting held in March shall serve as the annual meeting of EAIP. All elections shall be held at the annual meeting. All standing and special committees shall give a report at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Special Meetings.

A special meeting may be called by the majority of the Board or by a majority of the members of EAIP. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least three days' notice shall be given.

Section 4. Educational Meetings.

Educational meetings may be scheduled by the Board or the president, vice-president, or technology director with approval of the Board. No EAIP business shall be conducted at an educational meeting. Educational meetings shall have as a goal the education of members of EAIP in parliamentary procedure or in the use of new technology as it applies to meetings and parliamentary procedure.

Section 5. Notice.

The official notice for each meeting shall be sent out or posted no later than five days prior to the meeting. Notice may be sent in the form of electronic mail or may be posted on the official EAIP website, except in disciplinary proceedings where the member in question must be notified by certified mail.

Section 6. Quorum.

Three (3) members of EAIP shall constitute a quorum for a regular or special meeting. Educational meetings shall not require a quorum to begin or present information but may not begin before the scheduled meeting time.

Section 7. Meeting Forum.

Meetings may be held through any means available so long as the fundamental right of the members to be informed and have input in the meeting is protected.

Article VII - Executive Board

Section 1. Duties.

The Executive Board ("Board") shall control and manage EAIP subject to the direction of the membership. The Board shall conduct the business of EAIP between meetings; attempt to expand the membership of EAIP; approve an annual budget; establish any special committees needed to conduct the business of EAIP; develop and implement plans for the welfare of EAIP; have exclusive control over responsibilities assigned it elsewhere in the bylaws; and adopt its own procedural rules. The Board shall be subject to the orders of EAIP, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by EAIP.

Section 2. Membership.

The Board shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, technology director, and one (1) EAIP member to be elected by the membership of EAIP and designated the "Board member-at-large."

2.1 Executive Board Member-at-large.

The Executive Board member-at-large shall hold no other office, appointed or elected, during term as member-at-large and shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, but shall not be counted to establish a quorum. The member-at-large shall represent the interests of the membership to the Board. The member-at-large election shall occur at the annual meeting in March.

Section 3. Meetings.

The Board shall meet at least three times a year as specified by the president or a majority of the Board.

Section 4. Quorum.

The quorum for the executive board shall be a majority of its members.

Section 5. Meeting Forum.

The Board may meet in any form to which a majority of the members agree so long as the right of the members to be informed and have input is protected.

Article VIII - Committees

Section 1. Names.

There shall be the following standing committees: Rules, Education, and Technology.

Section 2. Membership.

The membership of the standing committees shall be appointed by the chairman of the committee upon approval of the Board. The chairman of the committee shall appoint a vice-chairman from the members of that committee.

Section 3. Duties.

3.1 Rules.

The Rules Committee shall review proposed amendments to the bylaws, EAIP adopted rules and standing orders upon request of any member.

3.2 Education.

The Education Committee shall assist the vice-president in accomplishing the duties laid out in the bylaws. The Education Committee shall plan and present all educational meetings unless provision is made otherwise by the Board.

3.3 Technology.

The Technology Committee shall assist the technology director in accomplishing the duties laid out in the bylaws. The Technology Committee shall be responsible for researching and proposing methods for refining or expanding the role of technology in the realm of meetings and parliamentary procedure.

Article IX - Amendments

Section 1. Amendment of Bylaws.

The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting with previous notice given to all members at least fourteen days prior to the meeting where the amendment is to be considered.

Article X - Dissolution

Section 1. Voluntary Dissolution.

The EAIP may be disbanded by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership at a special meeting called for that purpose; thirty (30) days notice shall be given to all EAIP members and AIP Headquarters; the notice shall state purpose, date, and time of the meeting. If approved, the report of the vote to dissolve, the EAIP charter, the EAIP minutes book, and any currently held funds not needed for the payment of EAIP debts shall be forwarded to AIP Headquarters within ten (10) days of the special meeting. Funds remaining after the payment of EAIP debts shall be forwarded to AIP Headquarters and specified for developing the use of technology in meetings and parliamentary procedure.

Section 2. Involuntary Dissolution.

The failure of EAIP to meet for two consecutive years shall allow AIP Headquarters to revoke the EAIP charter and disband the EAIP in accordance with Article 16, Section 6.2 of the AIP Bylaws.

Article XI - Rules of Order

Section 1. Rules of Order and Parliamentary Authority.

The chapter shall adopt a parliamentary authority and such other, rules of order, and standing rules as may be deemed appropriate to govern the orderly transaction of business in meetings and to the duties of officers in that connection. The parliamentary authority may be adopted or changed by a majority vote with notice or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote or a vote of the majority of the entire membership without notice.

Revision adopted February 27, 2005

Amended 2006-05-07 (IV.3), 2007-01-07 (VI.6), 2008-03-02 (VI.1), 2009-03-08 (VI.1), 2009-09-13 (VI.1, VII.4).

Bylaws Calendar

Regular meetings shall be held on the second Sunday of March and September at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time except as otherwise ordered. VI.1

Educational meetings may be scheduled by the Board or the president, vice-president, or technology director with approval of the Board. VI.4

The official notice for each meeting shall be sent out or posted no later than five days prior to the meeting. Notice may be sent in the form of electronic mail or may be posted on the official EAIP website. VI.5

Board shall meet at least three times a year. VII.3

September regular meeting: elect 3 to nominating committee. IV.4

March annual meeting: nominating committee reports; floor nominations; elect President, VP, Sec-Treasurer. IV.4, IV.5, IV.2.1. All committees report. VI.2

March post-annual-meeting Board Meeting, odd-numbered years: elect technology director. IV.2.2