That's Interesting...

  • Athletic Therapy is a growing profession in Canada that has certified members working with Professional, Amateur and National Teams, at Universities and Colleges, with Performing Shows, in Industry and in Clinics across the country and world-wide.
  • Osteopathy is profession that is becoming more popular around the globe. Schools of Osteopathy can be found throughout Europe, England, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners, like myself, are trained here in Canada. They differ from Osteopathic Physicians or Osteopaths who are trained in the United States.
  • Over the last 25 years I have enjoyed a personal fascination with energy, and have taken extensive energy based training from various teachers. I find this type of training helps me to keep a healthy open mind in my heavily anatomical and physiological based practice. For me, the importance of respecting and working with Energy Systems became obvious after I had a profound experience while meditating with a monk in Sri Lanka during my studies on the basics of auricular acupuncture. But that's another story... ; )
  • When I think of balance in my life, it means spending time with my passions which include learning, photography, traveling, dancing Hula, and enjoying family time with my husband and son.