1930 - Loan Poll - New Station?

Star 18 November 1930




The position arising from the recent rejection by the ratepayers of the Devonport loan proposal was discussed by the Borough Council last evening.

Dissatisfaction with the result of the poll regarding the proposed loan of £8000 for the erection of a fire station and for the purchase of additional equipment was expressed by a deputation from the Devonport Fire Brigade.  Superintendent Follas on behalf of the brigade, stated that the appliances were not sufficient to cope with a serious fire.  The motor-hose reel was far from being satisfactory, and on a recent call it took four minutes to start it.  It was not capable of carrying sufficient hose.  The brigade felt that in existing circumstances they could not properly carry out their duties, and asked that the loan proposal be again submitted to the ratepayers.

The Mayor assured the deputation that the council desired to see the brigade efficiently equipped. Time did not now permit of the item being included in the roading loan.

After the deputation had retired, Mr I. J. Fletcher, chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee, somewhat heatedly accused the council of having at its last meeting 'rejected' its own proposal, his motion that the fire brigade loan would be combined with that of the roads, having been defeated.  He again moved that the loan proposals should be combined and that the poll should be postponed until early in the New Year.

Mr T Palmer seconded.