1898 - Kerr Street

From 1895 to 1897 the fire brigade was quartered at the wharf but in 1898 Permanent headquarters were located in Kerr Street (near the school).

From the minutes of the Devonport Borough Council "General: the requisition from the fire brigade was passed, but it was decided to take no action regarding the cleaning of the gear, the council expresses the opinion this work should be done by the Fire Brigade.

Regarding the recent gorse fire on Mr Whites property on Calliope Road, the owner wrote stating he recognised the good work done by the foreman of works (Mr Savage) and the fire brigade and that the intended suitably recognising the labours of the later. It was decided to charge all expenses incurred to Mr White. "

Also in Feb a fire at Devonport on the properties of Messrs. J Boylan, and Edward Anderson.

On the 24th of September 1898 an advertisement appeared in the Observer giving preliminary notice of a Grand Benefit Concert for Mrs Dampier and Family who were in destitute circumstances which was under the patronage of a large number of organisations including the Devonport VFB, with the Concert being held at the Devonport Ferry Company. Quite a number of the local thespians gave freely of their time and talent.

There was also the third annual concert of the Volunteer Fire Bridge, attended by the Mayor and councilors, and several members of the Newmarket and Mt Eden Fire Brigades. Quite apart from the entertainments, Mr George Hill of the Devonport Torpedo Corps, was presented with a bronze medal and certificate of the Royal Humane Society of Australasia, for saving from drowning the daughter of Mr J.C. Spinley of Devonport.   The presentation was made by the Mayor (Mr J.C. Macky) who, in a neat speech referred to Mr Hill's courageous act, and of the pleasure which it afforded him him handing Mr Hill a well deserved token of his bravery.  Three hearty cheers were given for the recipient.