Nanoscience Honors

What is NANO?

Welcome to the Nanoworld! A community where students think for themselves, ask questions, question answers, and develop an understanding and respect for the world around them.

It is a billionth of a meter where materials exhibit surprising properties that modern scientists and engineers are using to solve problems- new energy sources, flexible phones, cancer cures, you name it!


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Find out more- Potential Student Info

Learning Modules

Welcome Letter!

UNIT 1 : Nanoscience- Tools/ Design

UNIT 2 : Size and Scale

UNIT 3 : Forces and Interactions

UNIT 4 : Self Assembly/ Nano-materials

UNIT 5 : Design/Carbon Nano-materials

UNIT 6 : Science Technology Society

Competitions / Presentations 2019-20

These competitions provide unique opportunities for students to apply their imagination, scientific knowledge, communication skills, design thinking, and business principles in a high stakes real world context. Despite distance learning caused by COVID-19 some of this year's Nanoscience students choose to compete in several different competitions to showcase their projects!

Demo day is Project Invent's annual pitch event where student teams showcase their inventions to top investors and tech executives for a chance at funding. Hundreds of students, teachers, and audience members from around the world gathered on a single Zoom call to hear 9 high school teams pitch their inventions developed over the past year for social good. (see their pitch at hour 1:58 minute)

**Resuscify WON FIRST PLACE $750**

Three teams were selected as finalists and participated in a kick off event at UCLA to meet their graduate student mentors and get a crash course in Design Thinking. The chance to pitch an idea to a venture capitalist is an opportunity most of us adults never get, which makes it so exciting!

High School Entrepreneurs’ Program that combines business fundamentals and executive coaches to help innovate for our research project, culminating in a competition judged by professionals.


International competition where students design bio-inspired ideas that can provide solutions to the climate crisis using biomimicry as an engineering design strategy.

Celebrating National Nano Day 10/9!!!!!!

October UCLA Trip

SEM art environment 2020

Hitachi Scanning Electron Microscope!

2018 -19 Activities

Competitions / Presentations

Nanovation Competition at UCLA

Competition Video (min 30) 5/22/19

In January written submissions were taken from any school in the southern CA area and 10 finalist teams were selected by the panel at UCLA to pitch their idea. The submissions consisted of a 450 word abstract summarizing the need that was being filled, current state of the art for the need, and their new nanotechnology based solution idea. Those selected participated in a kick off event the following month at UCLA to meet their graduate student mentors and get a crash course in Design Thinking.

Two teams were selected as finalists. We Won Second Place- see UCLA website!

This competition provides a unique opportunity for my Nanoscience students to apply their imagination, scientific knowledge, communication skills, and business principles in a high stakes real world context. To prepare we partnered with Mr. Mifflin's entrepreneurship class to get feedback on the business aspects before the final pitch which helped students see the value in cross curricular collaboration. The chance to pitch an idea to a venture capitalist is an opportunity most of us adults never get, which makes it so exciting!

Research Project Poster Presentations


Thank you to our sponsors-

  • Lockheed Martin,

  • CNSI UCLA Nanoscience Program

  • Santa Clarita Environmental Education Consortium (SCEEC)

Omni Nano Presentation 2018

OmniNano Workshop 9/21/18

SEM Presentation 2018

SEM Experience


UCLA NanoSystems Trip 12/3/18

Nanoscience History / Alumni

Nanovation Competition at UCLA


Research Project Poster Presentations


  • Local news article

  • Slide Show

  • Fact Sheet

  • Thank you to our sponsors- Lockheed Martin, UCLA Nanoscience Program, and Santa Clarita Environmental Education Consortium (SCEEC)

UCLA California NanoSystems Institute Trip

2017 NanoDays


STEMS GREEN SUMMIT at College of Canyons 11/19/16

Nanovation Competition at UCLA- 5/01/17

Field Trips / Lab Activities

Thank you to our sponsors!