

Here's stuff I've written, stuff that's not specifically tied to the Risus RPG. Again, I say written, but really I mean typed. My handwriting is just incredibly bad, so it's nice I can put my words out there without needing to scribble my nasty handwriting all over some innocent sheet of paper.


In efforts to push myself to create more writing, I'm running a Patreon to create flash fiction and other pieces of small short fiction. Check it out and see if more Daniel Suptic fiction is something you'd lie in your life!

Short Fiction Repository

I occasionally write a short story or a piece of flash fiction that I feel is good enough to stand on its own. This repository is where I'm going to start putting those. Check them out, read a few, and keep an eye on the page - I'll likely be adding more in the future.

Uresia Short Stories

I've written several short stories for S. John Ross's RPG setting Uresia: Grave of Heaven, all which can be found in the Summer Fiction Anthology file in the Uresia: Lore and Curiosities free download. That collections has a lot of great stories by a lot of great Uresia fans, and the following are my humble contributions:

  • Trials, Lessons, and Lessons

  • Captivating Music and Quality Entertainment

  • Ammunition

  • Imminent Destruction

Prompted to Write

This is a collection of micro-fiction and rambling thoughts in response to writing prompts from MJ Bush and Karen Woodward. I'm very proud of some of the little stories in there. I hope you like them too.



Here's a couple entries I did for the SCP Foundation, which is a fun creative writing site all about keeping the strange and unusual things in the world contained.

Uresia Stuff

Here's a few things I've posted to the old Uresia mailing list. Uresia is a vibrant fantasy RPG setting by S. John Ross. I've also contributed to the Winter Anthology in the Uresia: Lore and Curiosities free download, specifically, the Mummies - What Are They Good For? section.


So, I think I'll be writing some novels, and the best time to do that is during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). This is a link to my novels that I've written for the contest, and for any future novels as well. If you want to see my current status on the current novel (which will show the final stats of the last contest entry if it's not November), click on the stats tab on the right of the NaNoWriMo link. If you'd like to actually read any of the novels, those select few that I feel like letting out into the world will be listed on this page.

A fairly accurate depiction of my writing process