Refereeing Expertise

This page is for associate editors trying to figure out if I would be a good referee for a certain paper.

I tend to get several referee request each month, and I also have significant editorial obligations of my own to several fantastic journals, including JESP, Ergo, and Thought. In light of this, I am more likely than not to decline the average referee request. However, I still referee 15-20 articles a year. I am more likely to referee papers when I believe I am genuinely one of the best qualified referees, given the specific topic.

I also have a policy of not refereeing a paper that I have previously refereed for another journal, or managed qua associate editor (on the rationale that an author should not have to 'get by me' in order to be published).

If you looking for a referee, here are topics that I may be best able to help you with:

  • metaphysical issues in normative and moral realism

  • (meta-)semantics and normative realism

  • meta-metaethics (quietism, quasi-realism, the metaethics/normative ethics distinction, etc.)

  • moral epistemology and methodology

  • expressivism (except Frege-Geach)

  • Moorean arguments in epistemology and ethics

  • ethical issues about our relation to non-human animals

  • conceptual ethics and conceptual engineering of normative concepts

  • issues in normative ethics arising from alleged individual inefficacy