Work in Progress

At any given time, only some of my in-progress projects have shareable manuscripts. But if something looks interesting,  email me a request, and I will send you a draft either immediately or when one is completed. Papers not promised to volumes are described, rather than named, in order to facilitate both blind review, and last-minute changes in title. 

Papers with drafts linked here: 

Papers where I probably have a shareable draft (email me if interested!): 

Projects where I likely do not yet have a shareable draft: 

Metanormative realists think that the world provides objective standards for our reasoning, beliefs, and action. This book explains what I take to be the three hardest challenges to the realist program. First, there is the challenge of epistemic modesty: ethical inquiry is hard, but most realist metanormative views suggest that it should be in certain respects much easier than it is. Second, there is the challenge of alternative normative concepts: the apparent possibility that concepts with different extensions could play the same role as standards for reasoning, beliefs, and action. Finally, there is the challenge of naturalistic credibility: to explain how normative facts and properties could fit into the broad picture of reality that we have independent reason to accept. The book develops a novel systematic metanormative view that I dub joint-carving normative realism, and show how it is a promising means of addressing the three challenges sketched.