
Psychology 416: Cognition


Timothy Slattery, Ph.D.

Office: LSCB 385

Phone #: 460-7150

Office Hours: TR 12:30 pm -3:30 pm or by appointment


Class Information:

Time: 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR

Location: LSCB 0316

Required Materials:Cognitive Psychology. E. Bruce Goldstein (3rd edition) with CogLab 2.0 access

Description: Cognitive psychology refers to all processes by which the sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and used (Neisser, 1967).

Goals: This course is designed with two goals in mind. First, you are expected to leave this course with a strong understanding of the theory and research in the field of cognitive psychology. Second, and equally important, you should learn how to think critically. Critical thinking is one of the most important things you can learn in college and will serve you for the rest of your life, no matter what your ultimate career goals may be.

Grading: Throughout the semester there will be three in class exams, which are designed to measure your understanding of the material covered in the book and in the lectures. The final exam is not cumulative. Each exam will count for 20% of your final grade (60% combined). Additionally, for every chapter that we cover there will be an online quiz (administered through Sakai). These quizzes will count for a combined 30% of your final grade.The remaining 10% of your final grade will be based on the completion of CogLab 2.0 experiments. Grades will be based on a 10 point scale (i.e., A = 90%-100%, B = 80%-89%, C = 70%-79%, D = 60%-69%, and below 60% is an F). Additionally, I will offer incentive points for completing various extra credit type activities. Every five incentive points you accumulate will give you one bonus point on your final grade.

Curiosity questions: To foster creative thinking and writing, students will be encouraged to write “Curiosity Questions” for incentive points but doing so is optional. Students will post their curiosity questions to the appropriate Sakai forum. Each student can post two questions to the “Curiosity Question” forum for up to 4 incentive points and can post up to 3 replies to other students’ curiosity questions worth 1 incentive point each. These questions should be no longer than a paragraph and MUST represent your own original work. In order to receive full credit the question must be written using proper English grammar and should be on a topic currently being covered in the coursework. However, partial extra credit will be given to all students who make a good faith effort at writing an appropriate “Curiosity Question”.

Attendance: Students should attend all classes. The exams will include topics that are discussed in lecture and that may not be covered in the textbook. Thus, class attendance is crucial to your success in this class.

Missed exams: Make up exams will only be given if the student has PRIOR written permission from the instructor or a University approved excuse (see The Lowdown). Permission will only be given for those extremely rare situations that are beyond the control of the student. All make up exams will be in essay questions format!

Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating on an exam or helping others cheat on an exam, you will receive a failing grade in the course.

Please Note: This course is administered in compliance with the University’s stated policy for accommodation of students with disabilities, and student athletes. “If you have a specific disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations, please notify the instructor/professor and provide certification from Special Student Services. (OSSS is located in Room 270 of the Student Center (460-7212)”.

Schedule can be found in Sakai's calendar function. (Some of these dates and/or topics may change at the discretion of the instructor. If a change is made ample notification will be provided.)