
Drozil [DRAHZ il] is a gnome who studies Frost magic. Although he is of an age at which some would be planning a quiet retirement, Drozil is anything but a homebody. After decades of pursuing a career in engineering, Drozil was forced to admit that while, as most gnomes, he had a knack for it, he just didn’t enjoy it. In casting about for something else to do, he found that had an affinity for magic and decided to become a mage. His first trip away from Dun Morogh was a visit to the Darkmoon Faire, where he met his best friend, a night elf called Kalishnu, by falling on him after being shot from the cannon and missing the target by a wide margin. Drozil loves to travel and he is constantly on the move, prospecting for herbs and fishing, although he frequently teleports home to Dun Morogh to keep in touch with friends and sell the fruits of his gathering and crafting. Drozil’s insatiable curiosity about everything and everyone sometimes gets him into trouble. Exploring caves and abandoned buildings sometimes reveals things useful to an alchemist. On occasion, one also finds that these places are not entirely abandoned, although visitors may be eagerly welcomed … for a quick meal. It is generally unwise to hang around the workshop when Drozil is testing some new modification to a powerful potion unless your clothing is fireproof and doesn’t corrode easily.

Drozil's picture